
Kindergarten rainforest unit?

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non messy projects for a small group

crafts, hands-on activities




  1. watch the movie "fern gully"

  2. How about making a large rainforest scene, complete with a river/water bank, trees, vines etc.

    You can then make animals out of ordinary paper, and have the kids colour/paint those animals (as suggested by in another answer)

    You can then tell the kids about the animal, what it eats, where it lives (near the water, swings on trees etc.) and have the kids place the animal in the appropriate places on the rainforest scene.

  3. well i worked with a pre k teacher and what she did was she printed out animals from the Internet(like coloring pages) and got really cheap paint added water and the kids colored the pictures then she would write a bit information about the animal and the kids will love this activity also it makes a real nice ,creative scrap book the kids will love!!!!! <3

  4. I did a quick websearch and checked the resources I use for my preschool lessonplans and here is what I came up with

    Jan Brett has a rainforest story called The Umbrella.  If you go to her website she has a printable mural and activities

  5. Visit a pet store or have a snake, frog, bird, etc visit your class.  Learn about taking care of the pets.  Focus on their basic needs - food, air, water.  Then make how-to books for pet care. Bring in a plant- connect that they need the same things - food, air, and water.  Discuss camouflage during circle time.  

    Teach the food chain using pictures with text and arrows.  Use descriptive words (first, then, largest, smallest, etc).  This could be put  in a learning center for students to explore later.

    Using a stamp with a rainforest item (leaf, frog, etc)  count/add/subtract.

    For social studies, explore a globe.  Where are the rain forest - use the word equator and the word countries.

    Music-Animals sounds, usually available on CD Play which animal am I?  Kids take turns acting out an animal.

    Art- Study contrast - dark and bright colors in paint ; Make animal masks, make rain sticks, Using eye droppers or a water bottle lightly spread water over powder tempra paint onto paper *Ideally the paper would be black and there would be multiple, bright colors of the tempra paint.   Another way would be using a water bottle to spray different colored paints onto paper.  Make a three or four squirt rule.  Then the kids can blow on the paper to simulate wind.  It sounds weird, but the kids can really get into it.  

    Reading- Make sure you pull from many gorgeously illustrated books out there.

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