
Kindergarten recommendation letter?

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I need help writing a recommendation letter for a preschool student attending kindergarten next year. A part of the adminission process is a recommendation letter from his pre school. Iam not much of a writer so I am having a difficult time getting started. Here is a little information about the student The student is a well behaved, bright young boy. He gets along well with others. He learns at a fast pace. He has been a joy to teach. He has been reading since his was 4 years old. Always has a smile on his face. Nothing but positive things to say. If anyone can get me started I would appreciate the help.




  1. The kindergarten should give you a form to fill out, or just give them the evaluation from the most recent parent-teacher conference.  (My son's school did both).

    If you don't have such things, go to any kindergarten-readiness Website and copy the requirements, then rank the child on a simple scale.

    The Chancy & Bruce site is a good start, too.

  2. Ask the kindergarten what this recommendation should include so the child will have a better chance. Good luck and i hope it's a good school!

  3. Since when do kindergartners need recommendations letters?  That is absolutely crazy.  Just write a letter to the school and tell about everything good that he does.

    Personally if it were me I don't think I would even write one.  I can't believe that one is being requested!

  4. I have nothing but excellent things to say about ______. He was a bright, charming, well-mannered young man and it was a pleasure to have him as a student. He was always interested in learning; every morning _______ came cheerfully into the classroom with a giant smile on his face, and always excelled in our activities and lessons of the day. He works well with others, as well as alone, and I believe he has the potential to grow into a wonderful young man at your school.

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