
Kinetic energy and heat

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When an object gets heated up, the molecules will gain kinetic energy and vibrate, colliding into their neighboring molecules which will gain kinetic energy and the process continues until the heat has been evenly spread out.

But when molecules gain energy from other molecules, is it actually the kinetic energy passed on or heat energy passed on? If it were the kinetic energy passed on, in a sense, it means that heat energy is in the kinetic energy, right?

Thank you.




  1. Energy that is absorbed by material can be absorbed in several ways. it can be that the atoms vibrate, which, yes,  you could see as atomic kinetic energy. Usually we think of kinetic energy in terms of larger objects in motion, but really, this atomic level vibration is not different.

    But materials can also absorb energy into the energy states of the electrons; that is, the individual electrons of individual atoms absorb photons (radiant energy, like from a radiating heat source) and increase their energy state within the atomic or molecular structure. And this does NOT fall into the category of kinetic energy, even though it directly affects the temperature of the material.

  2. Yeah, heat energy is kinetic energy, "heat" is just a macroscopic concept in this sense, like electric current is to the movement of electrons.

    It's a convenient abstraction, basically.

  3. The heat is not in the kinetic energy, but with kinetic energy comes heat but AFTER the energy  comes the heat.

    Hope i helped      

  4. At a constant temperature and in the same Physical State, the molecular motion of the material is also constant and therefore so is its Kinetic Energy.

    As heat energy is added, the Temperature increases provided that the State remains the same.

    The molecular motion (Vibration or Kinetic Energy) also increases.

    This will continue throughout the material by a process of 'Conduction' (collision of molecules in Solids), or by Convection (Circulation) Currents set up due to change in Density in Fluids, or by the absorption of Radiated Heat into the molecules (which will convert to one or the other of the above processes).

    (From this, you can say that the Heat Energy is being converted to Kinetic Energy).

    When a change of State occurs, the molecular motion (Kinetic Energy) continues to increase, but the Temperature doesn't change. The Energy goes into breaking the attraction between the molecules causing them to become more mobile and move further apart until Liquefaction (Fusion) or Vaporisation takes place.

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