Heyy guys. I REALLY need ur help. Please don't answer if you're going to tell me to do my own homework. I will appreciate anything to do with figuring out what happens in this book. So I'm supposed to read this book for my summer packet, but hey, its soooo long and nobody really will read it anyway, so i read like halfway thru or something (til pg 230 i think) so can you give me a summary of the exact title in the question by that author, because there are so many versions and i cant get the wrong one. If you can't give me a summary, fine. but maybe a website where i can get notes on the book? I tried Spark Notes and they didnt have it so if you know a site like spark notes PLEEEEZZZZ tell!!!
thank you so much
anything in telling me abt this book would be sooooo appreciated. also my sister says that all u need to know is that the king dude pulls the sword from the rock but idk and she is almost never right so...pleeez pleeez pleeez help. school starts in just 3 days and i have to write an essay and i have to answer a bunch of questions.
about those question i gotta answer...i cant figure this one out..."How are quests a part of your life?" idk how the heck they are a part of my life. i was going to say i read the book and thats how they are a part of my life, but something tells me that my LA teacher wont be too happy with that answer and thats not the best impression for the beggining of school so PLEEEZ PLEEEEEZ PLEEEEEZ PLEEEEEEZ PLEEEEEZ HELP!
THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HELP. YOU ARE MY HEROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...