
King Solomon was a great and wise king wasn't he?

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but he didn't have a bed for his own. Should you asked why, well it says in the bible, "solomon slept with his fathers".




  1. King Solomon, son of King David, was given wisdom, because he asked for it to be a good & just ruler.

    Examples of wisdom began with two women, who claim the same son. Solomon found-out who the real mother was, by offering to cut him in half and give each a part. The real mother said, "No!" the other can have 'em, then Solomon knew that she was the mother.

    Solomon's down fall began with political & economical treaties with neighboring countries [heathen countries]. This in and of itself wasn't the sin, but to seal the deal, Solomon had to wed the other king's daughter and in return give a daughter of his to wed their king. These additional wives brought their idol gods with 'em and Solomon built temples unto 'em. Slowly, but surely, he began to lose his wisdom.

    Before he died, Solomon, tried to retify his dilemma by returning to the God of Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, and his father, David.

  2. Yoiu need to read the Bible more than one sentence at a time.

  3. I doubt he slept with their corpses.  Plus, he was suppose to have 1 father, David.  How many fathers can a person have?

  4. Perhaps it was because he inherited his father's kingdom (as well as the bed) and he did not establish it himself.  I think you are taking the passage too literally.

  5. That expression means he has died and was buried thus he is resting with his fathers also known as his ancestors.

  6. Maybe, but he's definitely no Burger King.

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