
Kingdom Hearts 2... Timeless river... Fire Window... help?

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I'm stuck on this level. It's driving me mad. The stupid cars kill me everytime!!!! What do I do? Someone please help!!!!




  1. Jump over them and use your magic, so you don't have to get close. That you aren't near them and the would have a hard time hitting you. As you know, blizzard magic would probably be best for that situation.

    If you still have trouble, remember that you can always use your evergrowing supply of potions to help, and you can switch up Donald and Goofy's commands, and make them use powerful attacks to help you get rid of them. If all else fails, try to go and get your drive up and go into wizard form. Since you shoot energy blasts from your keyblade, you can still keep your distance, and have more powerful magic.

  2. The next door you enter will probably be the hardest one. This is because of another brand new Heartless called the Hot Rod. These Heartless will start speeding around at Sora trying to ram him when their HP gets low. They also cannot be damaged while they're doing this, so you have to wait for them to stop. This ramming attack of theirs is very damaging and annoying. During this battle, balls of flame will appear and send smaller balls towards the building. You can hit these to destroy them, but your main focus should be on getting rid of the Heartless as fast as possible. After the initial wave of Shadows are gone, two of those Hot Rods will appear. In order to make things easier, try to destroy one of them before they both start ramming you, because you don't want to get caught in between two berserk ones. If you need to, use Valor form to make things go quicker. You'll gain a lot of Drive orbs from these guys anyway.

    Hot Rods will probably give you the most trouble of any enemy in the game. One is enough to be frustrating, and you can be fighting up to three at once! They have a lot of HP, but they start off tame enough. Punching with their front tires and biting isn't a big deal compared to what they do when their HP is low. You'll know the attack is coming when their headlights come on and the horn beeps. At this point, they orient on you and try to ram into you, three times in a row. This attack is brutally fast, and you can't deflect or hurt the Hot Rod while this is happening. Try to jump out of the way, or use Guard if you can't jump in time. After three charges, the Hot Rod becomes vulnerable again. If you're not close, use magic, since the onslaught will continue after an all too short break. When fighting more than one, try to focus on one at a time, to prevent more than one charging attack at a time.      

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