
Kingdom hearts confusion? help please?

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ok so i didnt play chain of memories since i only have a ps2 and they didnt have it for english only on game boy adv. or whatev. but what exactly happened in the castle? why did sora have to go in that pod thing? and why was roxas' memory erased?




  1. Sora had to enter the Pod so Naomi (sp?) could piece the chains of his heart together again.

    She was ordered to take chains of his heart, he fondest memories (everyone he knows) and alter them. As he continue into the castle, he'd lose more memories. Eventually he forgets about Kairi and thinks Naomi is the girl he made the promise to.

    While he's in the pod he can sleep and she can put the chains of his memories back and it'll take some time.

    It's been a while since I went through Chain of Memories. This is what I remember.

    If you really want to play it. DL a GBA Emulator and the game.

  2. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories takes place directly after the ending of the first game, Kingdom Hearts. Sora and his friends Donald, Goofy and Jiminy Cricket are walking down a winding path, when a mysterious man dressed in a black, hooded coat appears. He directs Sora towards a massive fortress called Castle Oblivion and then disappears. When the travelers enter, they find the mysterious figure again. When Sora and his companions attempt to engage the figure, they find that their abilities seem to have no effect. The figure explains that they forgot all of their abilities when they entered the castle. He continues by creating a deck of cards made from Sora's and his friends' memories, and tells them that everything they encounter in this castle will be based on their memories. The higher they go, the more memories they will lose in the process.

    Meanwhile, floors below, Riku has been transported from the realm of darkness and fights his personal demons as he battles upward from the basement levels of Castle Oblivion. Neither Riku nor Sora are aware that they are being manipulated by a mysterious group called the Organization. Marluxia, the Organization's lord of Castle Oblivion and the figure who led Sora and his friends there, hopes to control Sora with and use him to overthrow the rest of the Organization, hoping to do so with the memory-altering powers of a girl named Naminé. The Organization members Zexion and Lexaeus catch wind of this plot and seek to counter Marluxia using Riku as their pawn. As Riku ascends Castle Oblivion, he, like Sora, encounters various members of the Organization. Vexen fights Riku to obtain his data and creates a replica of him. The replica embraces the darkness and believes himself to be stronger. After the Riku Replica battles Riku and flees, Vexen decides to use the Replica against Sora, after reworking the Replica's memory with Naminé's powers.

    As Sora ascends through the castle, he battles Larxene, a co-conspirator in Marluxia's plot. Afterwards, he appears to remember Naminé as an old friend of his. He learns that she is being held in the castle, and continues to ascend, clashing with the Riku Replica who now believes himself to be the real Riku. After witnessing the death of Vexen and killing Larxene himself, Sora learns about his shifting memories and Marluxia's plans from Naminé; Axel, another Organization member who serves as a double agent, had allowed Naminé to meet Sora to foil Marluxia's plans. Sora forms an alliance with the Riku Replica—who discovers that his memory was also altered by Naminé—and they fight to the top of the castle and defeat Marluxia. Naminé then puts Sora and his friends into pod-like machines to help them regain the memories they lost in the castle, even though they would forget the events that transpired in the castle.

    As this occurs above, Ansem, who took over Riku's body in the previous game, attempts to regain control of Riku below, but is continually thwarted with the intervention of King Mickey. On the way, Riku battles Lexaeus, who sacrifices himself to force Riku's darkness to the surface. Later, Riku confronts Zexion, who now sees Riku as a threat and seeks to dispose of him, but Riku embraces his darkness and overcomes him. Arriving in Twilight Town, Riku meets DiZ, an enigmatic man interested in Riku and sends him to speak with Naminé, but the Riku Replica, who now seeks to justify his existence, fights Riku. After eliminating the Replica, Riku learns from Naminé that what remains of Ansem lives in his heart. Riku chooses to face him and DiZ pulls Ansem from Riku's heart to battle. After defeating Ansem, Riku learns that as long as he has darkness at his command, Ansem still resides within him. He sets out with King Mickey as his companion.

  3. Try, for all your game needs.

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