
Kirilenko won singles and doubles at Estoril Open on clay, did you miss it?

by Guest58493  |  earlier

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it wasnt on my television




  1. Good for her.  She's sort of the forgotten Russian on the WTA Tour, but is actually a very good, crafty player, a lot like Hingis actually.  But I didn't see it on TV, nor do I think it was televised anywhere except maybe locally (as in Portugal).

  2. No :( I didn't get to see it :( I like Kirilenko alot and i think she has great potential!!

  3. They didnt nor normally do show these lower tier tournaments on TV, let alone Masters Series tourneys either, especially on Tennis Channel. Instead they show repeats of old tournaments and interviews every few hours. Good for her as she won, I like her and only wish she woudl play better and more consistent. However she was seeded 1 here and the field was pretty weak. But a start to her uprise.

  4. I missed it ... too bad .. would've loved to see it. She's HHHOOOOTTTT!!!!

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