
Kirk Renoldson?

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Not sure on the spelling, but can anyone tell me what is happening about his contract?If they do not pick him this week is that it,is he free to play elsewere or does he stick around at Newcastle.Please no smart A---- answers i do not think he is a bad player what do you think? Have Newcastle been fair.




  1. Above answer is correct and No he is not a bad player. SOmetimes teams just don't have a place for certain types even if they are good eg Jamie Soward from the roosters, or Petero. I would be surprised if he couldn't find another club but he might be forced to take a pay cut given a new club would use his circumstances against him. From what I hear he is keen to stay which sounds weird to me. Why would you want to play under a coach who has done what Smith has done to you and clearly doesn't want you around.

    Yes he is free to negotiate with whoever he wants.

  2. He is being forced to go elsewhere, but the major problem for him is that all the teams are pretty much filled their salary cap for next year. So if he does find a club, he will not be playing for much. Brian Smith has killed another players career. Far enough, tell the man he is not wanted, but tell him earlier in the year so he had a chance to find another club. Can anyone tell me who Brian Smith is bringing to Newcastle to replace these players he is sacking??? As far as I can see, the Knights better build a bigger trrophy cabinet for the spoons they will be getting for the next couple of years.

  3. Kirk had to play one more game to enact a 200grand contract deal. He was dropped from the past two games because the club said it was based on form. I heard that the Raiders are keen on signing him, but can't confirm that. He may be seeking legal action against the club, but again, can't confirm that. In the past couple of years in the club, he hasn't played that many games. Brian Smith just has to make the tough decisions and we'll get to see what the new-look Newcastle team looks like this year. I agree with you. He isn't a bad player. He should have no problem finding another club. Sorry if this isn't correct, I'm still a bit shakey on the details myself.

  4. Good old Newcastle at it again I see, remember what they did to Matty johns! I feel for kirk and hope he gets signed with another club.

    as for smith, I think history speaks for it self.

  5. sorry pate e

    u said no smart answers BUT

    he did leave the storm so i say sucked in he could be playing in a GF this year instead of maybe collecting the wooden spoon in a few days time

  6. The knights have done nothing wrong legally. If reynoldson didn't want this to happen then he shouldn't have signed the contract with this type of clause. However, brian smith is still an idiot for being dishonest and damaging a player's career. He's also destroyed a club and condemned them to the next 5 wooden spoons.
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