
Kitten Discipline, how can I

by Guest61734  |  earlier

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I have 2 kittens. There actually not kittens anymore I dont guess. There over a year old now.

There well behaved in most things but they do have one problem that really drives me crazy.

They like to jump up on the counters in the kitchen, bathroom and even the kitchen range top.

They leave behind hair and I constantly have to make them get down.

Is there any way I can discipline them without them hating me. I have been using a spray bottle but i don't want them to be scared of me lol.

Thanks alot.




  1. They sell this sticky stuff at pet stores. When your cat jumps on it she hates the feeling of it so they won't do it anymore

  2. Do your cats have other high places on which they can jump? Cats like to be up high. They feel more secure in high places. They are also naturally curious. You can brush them to help reduce the shedding. Check pet supply stores, thrift stores, and online to find cat furniture. I got a great deal on a tall, multi-level scratching post with platforms on eBay, as well as buying a couple of scratching posts with platforms from (I have 5 cats). Try putting the cat furniture near a window to encourage the cats to climb up onto the platforms for a view outside. Positive reinforcement is necessary when "training" cats. If they jump onto a counter where you do not want them to be, remove them and put them onto a high platform on the scratching post and praise them and give them a treat, so that they want to be on the cat furniture instead of the counters.

  3. Clean your counters with a citrus-scented cleaner. Cats do not like the smell of citrus.

  4. I would suggest two options, the squirt bottle is the first one. And as far as your cats being afraid of you, they will not be. Its the squirt bottle. Soon they will see it in your hand and automatically know what is coming. If you are not holding the squirt bottle then there is no threat they will act normal.

    Second option, is to get a small container and put about 10-20 pennies in it. When th get on the counter, shake it vigorously. It will startle them and they will respond by gettind down.

    Either one you choose though you must be consistent or nothing will work later on.

  5. The water bottle is the best way of discipline thou I got my cats to stop by using shelf paper.  You know, the semi-stickie paper - put it stickie side up and tape down the four don't have to put it completely over everything, just the places they mostly walk.  It's a bother for a few days, but my cats stopped after about 4 days :)

  6. Shoot them with a squirt gun, if that doesn't work get one that shoots more water.

    If your cats are not scared of you, you will not be percieved as being the dominant one in your house.

  7. You could also try taping aluminum foil to the counters. I have heard that cats dislike the noise and the feel of it on their feet.

  8. The sticky stuff in can also see if your local petsmart or go on line, has a motion synsor that will make a loud noise when it has been activated...they hate the noise and jump down.Straying them with a bottle is good too ..but a spray gun( toys for kids) shoots further and more of a stream...they get the message with out really knowing where it is coming from. they dont like the spell of peppermint oil you can spray it on the counters and stove and the cabnet tops....becareful not to get it in you eyes...but they dont like it. A couple of times of that and they will stop going there. You can also put aluminum foil..they dont like the noise.

  9. A cat owns people and will do what they please, even ignore you if it pleases them. Climbing and all that is in their nature, even when they are partly outside animals.Young or old, they instinctively follow their nature and you can't change it, they must.If you scare them, they will still do what they wish, they will just act faster by not letting you see them do some things. Also, they will get even.Did you know that if you died, and were not found for awhile, the cats would eat you with no more reguard than a mouse?

  10. go to walmart or something and buy some plastic (the heavy plastic) to put on what u dont want them 2 jump up on. my cats used to jump up on my couches and scratch them so we put the plastic on them and they're fine! they hate the feeling and they'll eventually learn.

    good luck!


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