
Kitten Help!!! Plz this is really really really urgent!?

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Mkay I got 2 kittens the day b4 yesterday.. But I got one problem... They wont sleep! I am soo tired at night but they keep running back and forth on the bed and biting each others heads! does dat mean they're playing? And I dont want to lock em up in a crate bcuz they might have 2 go potty or sumthin. I just want them at least to calm down. Do any of yall have tricks? I even gave them some kitty milk and dat didnt work. PLZ HELP MEH!!!!

~ thanks ~




  1. Calm down. They're kittens. Love to play. Try giving them toys or wear them out with a new feather duster. Or love them to sleep. Works with my kitten.  

  2. U cant stop them from playing. Its just playing. Close your doors.  

  3. Cats are in fact nocturnal- that means that they are going to be more active at night- you may want a separate room at night- do you have a room that is not being used? this is the only way- I have six cats- I know you dilemma.

  4. Hello Alex, Here is what ya do.

    Get you some kitten toys at the store and purchase the ones that you can add cat nip to! Cat nip will drive a cat nuts for a while I say like after you eat your supper throw them on the floor and then after the slow down after about 40- 50 minutes later feed them - the cat nip will allow them to get their energy out and then feeding them will fill their appetite and they will sleep like DOGS! lol - They are so fun to watch while playing with them cat nip filled toys you will get some entertainment from it as well as some laughs.  

  5. You could try playing with them extra before you want to sleep? Try those toys on wands or ribbons, they will run around forever trying to catch those.

    Cats will never sleep through the night though and kittens are the worst. That is just how cats are naturally, they nap throughout the day and night, but are awake more at night during the day. You can't change it, just maybe tire them out so they are relaxed at least until you're too sound asleep to notice:)

  6. They are kittens. Expect this for awhile. Do you ever notice that they sleep a good portion of the day? that's why they stay up all night.

    I recently house sit for my sister who has a kitten. The d**n thing drove me nuts all night. The next day I kept interrupting its cat naps. That night it didnt bother me.

    Good luck

  7. Cats, especially kittens, love to play. They are nocturnal animals so they like to play at night. Try giving them lots of exercise during the day and then before you go to bed, give them their supper.

    Usually after a dinner they will want to sleep. Once they get into a routine and know it's their bedtime they should settle down.  

  8. kittens are very active and love playing with each other. you should try to play with them though the day you don't have to buy them toys you can make toys your self one of my cats favorite is when you tie a bit of newspaper on a piece of string and they act as if its a mouse its so cute. you can also give them a specific time for supper and they will start to calm down my cat always sleeps on our couch after supper.

    hope this helps

  9. what the other people said was right, but for tonight if you are looking for sleep, give them a can of cat food, or something tasty like chicken, but first play with them a little to wear them out. then, try separating them, and close your door, and turn on the fan or something to block out the noise if they still dont go to sleep.

  10. I have 2 kittens in my room right now as they are too small and young to join the rest of the big cats in the house. They also run all over me and play all night. It helps though that I got them a cat tree for up there so they play on that and leave me alone, plus I feed them (canned food) right when I go to bed. It takes them a good 20 minutes to eat and then groom and then they are sleepy so it will be a few hours before they are up and running again. That gives me time to get to sleep. Don't worry, they will not do this forever.  

  11. yes biting each others heads usually means that they are playing :-) my cats did the same thing when they were kittens and i just had to wait for them to grow out of it. i have a very big balcony so i sometimes just put them out there at night time with beds and water out there so i wouldn't get disturbed. waking them up during their naps in the day time might also help them sleep more at night. good luck, i know they can drive you crazy!!  

  12. if i were u i would ask first and then i well go right away go to the vet .

    am trying my best now.

    1-have any kitten toys ,give it to them until they get tired of it.

    [work] ,[no]

    2-Put them next to u and pd them on the head gently

    3-get them a kitten milk an feed them

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