
Kitten Not Eating-Any Help?

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I just got a kitten and it's only about 6 weeks old but it's refusing to eat. I've tried both dry and wet food but it won't eat either. Apart from the eating thing it seems completely healthy. Does anyone have any suggestions?




  1. At 6 weeks old, this kitten very much needs to be with it's mother. If you can, please return it for another 2 weeks at least. Mother cats teach kittens valuable social and survival skills they need their whole lives during this time. If you can't get the kitten back to its mother, try giving it some unseasoned chicken broth or meat baby food. Let it l**k the food off your finger if need be. You need to get it checked by the vet ASAP for worming and a well kitten check.  

  2. You can either get formula that you put in this little mini bottle thing and stick it in their mouth to feed them or maybe you should get the kitten some kitten treats that it might like better that cat food.

  3. We rescued a cat 3 years ago that was having the same problem. Turns out that cats are neurotic--go figure. Try feeding through a syringe. The vet can prescribe a very soft food packed with vitamins. In time the baby will begin eatin. You might need to tempt it with a variety of wet foods to get him/her interested in eating again. The real danger is if the kitten is not drinking. If that happens go immediately to the vet. Also monitor his/her output in the litter box. Our baby had to go so far as to get a tube inserted into the abdomen for us to feed him. Then I brought another cat into the house--he immediately began eating...the other cats food.  Hope this helps.

  4. It may not be weaned completely from its mother's milk. Why did you take it from its mother so young?

    Go to the local pet store and get some KMR formula. It's milk for kittens.  

  5. small scraps

  6. Do you know what type of food it was eating before you got it? Alot of times they won't eat new food right of the bat. And when you change the kind of food, you are supposed to do it gradually so they take to it better, and more importantly so it doesn't upset their stomach.

    I would find out what food it was eating before you got it and try that. Depending on what they say you may have to work on weaning it.

  7. mix some formula in canned cat food and you might have to carefully open his mouth and put the food in so he gets a taste for it then once he gets hungry he'll understand and eat it and give him formula in between so he gets nutrients till he'll eat, good luck

  8. Really they should stay with their mother till 8 weeks.

    You may have to bottle feed the kitten.

  9. 6 weeks is so young.  Try KMR or other similar product from pet store/vet which is mother's milk substitute and try bottle feeding kitten.  She may not have been fully weaned yet. Keep fresh, small amounts of other food around and offer it to her from time to time while bottle feeding her.  Another worry is her fluid/water intake.  Being so tiny, dehydration can occur very quickly. Last but not least, contact your vet or local animal shelter ASAP as both should provide you with plenty of information on the proper care of this little one.  Good luck!

  10. Try force feeding it a little bit of food.  Sometimes once they get the taste in their mouth they may start to eat.  At that age they are weened but may still be nursing a bit.  You can try a little milk replacer (not cow's milk) and mix it with some of the can food or use it to moisten the dry.  If you just got the baby it may be a little stressed and sad from leaving its mom as well.  

  11. That seems a bit young to take from the mother..... I, personally, wouldn't take a kitten until it was at least 8 weeks or older, so i'm certain that they are completely weaned.

    Just go to the local market and pick up some kitten milk formula, if it doesn't eat it by itself, use an eyedropper to feed it.

    Good luck!

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