
Kitten and Cat fighting ALL the time. Any suggestions??

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Ive had my little kitten for about 2 months now and hes about 3 months old and such a tease to my older cat who is 2 years old. He wont leave her alone and is always after her and fighting with her. My older cat growls and hisses if he gets close but he always goes back for more! Any ideas? Anyone been through the same with there cats?? Any suggestions would be really helpful.




  1. i've been though it. it won't stop.

    my cat was 11 when i got a new little kitty and my kitten always wanted to play but my older cat didn't and would hiss and growl and pin the other cat down.

    this went on for 7 years and my older cat passed away last june. at 18 years old.

    i suggest having a specific place for the new cat to sleep at night so atleast they aren't fighting all night long.

    cuz the older cat feels like i was the queen of the household and wants to stay that way so you can't put her in a certain spot to sleep but you can limit the little one to a certain spot like if the older one sleeps on your bec then don't allow the younger one to invade that space. instead put a cat bed on the floor near your bed for the younger one.

    we kept my younger cat in the basement at night cuz he always want to invade the older one's space on my parents bed.

    it wasn't like it was a dark creepy basenet or anything we kept the light on, put food and water down there, and that is where the kitty litter is, and the basement is carpeted and has funiture down there for the cat to sleep on.

    he got so used to going down there at night that even though my older cat has been gone for over a year my younger one still is fine sleeping in the basement.

    we don't even put him down anymore he goes down on his own.

    if i lay down at night and he is one my bed as soon as i cover up he will jump down and go to the basement.  

  2. My cats did this when the younger one was a kitten. She grew up and mellowed out.  I think they will be ok.  Just be careful that the older cat doesn't one day snap and really take it out on the kitten, but it seems like the older cat is just annoyed and doesn't want to harm the little one.  I think they will be ok.  My cats are now friends.

  3. mine done this but they were ok after 2 weeks maybe sometimes they are playing it will just take time for them to become used to each other, im sure they'l be real good friends after a while

  4. Let them work it out.  I know it's been 2 months, which is a long time, but your older cat could put the kitten in his place if she wanted to. In time he'll calm down and she be bathing him in a sunny spot on the floor.

  5. mine dun that but afat a few weeks the older 1 got used to the baby and now they l**k eachother and evrything x

  6. I have the same problem:

    I have a 4 year old cat, a 4 month old kitty, and a 2 month old kitty. The 4 month old one only wants to torment the older cat and the older cat just wants to be left alone!! She growls and hisses, too.

    If your big cat is an outdoor/indoor cat, What I do is when the older cat comes inside, I put the kitten in a differant room with a toy or something so he stays busy and doesn't bother the big cat while she is eating.

    OR, if you REALLY like cats, You could adopt another one. I got my other little kitten as a playmate for the bigger kitten. He's since began to leave the big cat alone because he's too busy playing with the newest kitty. The new kitty has no interest in fighting the big cat.

  7. mabey your not showing your cat enough love and the cat thinks you love the kitten more so it tries to hurt it.

    try to giv your cat much more love and attention than before

  8. This is how cats establish dominance. The younger cat is testing the boundaries and the older cat is letting him  know he's pushing his luck. In all honesty my advice to you is that if there is no bloodshed, fur flying and your older cat isn't showing signs of stress from it, you should let them work it out on their own. You DO need to get the kitten neutered as soon as he's old enough though. If you don't his behavior will become more and more agressive towards her.

  9. try to keep them apart. X

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