
Kitten behavior can anyone help ?

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Just this morning my kitten who is 3 months old has just stated chewing the end of books and cardboard , is this because she is teething of just being mischievous ? thx for any answers xx




  1. a little of both.....the kitten just wants to explore and put its scents of everything! my kitten did that too!1 :D

  2. your kitten is just teething nothing to be worried about i have had a lot of cat experience  so its no big deal just buy a couple things at a pet store so it doesn't ruin your books thats all

  3. abit of both

  4. its probably both.   my cat is over two years old, and i still cant keep cardboard in the house cuz she loves to jump in boxes and chew on them

  5. My cat Lil' is 7 years old and STILL chews on cardboard. She's chewed an entire shoe box down to one flat piece. It's never made her sick. It's just a pain picking up all those little bite sized pieces of cardboard.

  6. Not really important why if she is healthy.  It is more important how to stop her.  Try putting biiter apple spray on the things that will tolerate it.  Put valuables away.  Get a spray bottle that will shoot a stream of water and hit her with it every time you catch her.  This is a trick my vet gave me that cats hate and helps to train the independnt little critters.

    Good Luck

  7. Kittens, like puppies, explore new things with their mouths. It's perfectly normal but should also be discouraged gently. Distract her from what she is chewing with one of her toys, otherwise you may end up with an adult cat who chews! Or you can tell her firmly, but gently 'no' but you must always be consistent with her or she will get confused!

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