
Kitten food.. please help me..?

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a friend just let me have a kitten .. 6 weeks old on dry food and litter box trained... but the last cat i had was like 10 years ago please help me...

how much is a bag of cat food or kitten food??

and what about a litter box

o gosh im confused lol

thanks to anyone who helps me out please reply asap as i am going to go pick her up today...




  1. A good quality kitten food is well worth the extra dollar now, since it will save you on health problems and medical bills later... DON'T go generic... just because they can state they are "nutritionally complete", it doesn't mean they don't have disputable amounts of other substances (ash content and ingredient ratios).

    Six weeks is still really too young to be properly weaned... selfish people do it to DUMP kittens. For a healthier cat, you should try to convince the humans to let your kitten nurse another 2 weeks at least. Just because a kitten will start to eat solid food, it doesn't mean that it is good to deprive it of the nutrition and enzymes it gets from its mother's milk... there is a transition period that humans ignore and the kitten's digestive tract needs. Mom cats should be allowed to wean their kittens naturally, they usually do it best.

    $5 goes a long way when you feed a little one, so buy the small bag and keep half in the freezer for freshness. Cats are high protein critters, so their food will go rancid faster. This can sicken a young animal. Purina makes a reliable, low cost product... that should be your lowest quality level... anything store brand or generic should be avoided. I have heard some people commonly have allergy issues with Friskies, but that is hearsay.

    The litter pan itself should be low, to facilitate its use for a low slung kitten... putting it in an open topped cardboard box (with a low cut entry) helps to keep any overflow or litter contained until the kitten becomes adept at using it properly. Though it is instinctual, they still have to practice to get good at it and not make a mess.

    Choosing a healthful litter is of more import than the container. Some are dusty or outright toxic, do research. Realize that you can cut cost by using only an inch deep, and by cleaning regularly. Some litters can be set out to sun dry and air, thus "recycled" for extended use. Baking soda goes a long way to freshen, and is more cost effective than buying "fancy" products with their plethora of chemicals and additives.

    I have always found that putting the litter box in the bathroom within reach of the toilet is a most convenient method. Since we go there a few times every day, it is easy to tend by flushing any fecal matter with your own waste and to trash any wet clumps. The bathroom is mostly slick surfaces so smell doesn't permeate fabrics and linger. Do not cover over the litter box! It captures the amonia and the kitten may avoid using it. You are more prone to keep up on a litter box if you can easily monitor it and then you don't let it build up to be offensive.

    Sit, scoop, trash, flush... much like they do!

    ,,,__>^~ !~^<__,,,_?

  2. ive had a cat about two year, cat food isnt that expensive if you buy the cheap kind but it will still be good for your cat, and when giving the cat its food put a little water in it if your getting hard food, you know to soften it up a bit, litter box and kitty litter runs about 10 dollars. hope i help a little.

  3. go to:

  4. a bag of cat food can be 3 to 5 dollars and a liter box is under $ 5

  5. It really just depends on the quality of the products you purchase. I feed both of my cats Chicken Soup For The Cat Lover's Soul Light. I get the 6 lb. (or 8...can't remember) bag for $12 and it lasts for a month. I have been feeding them Whiskas Purrfectly Chicken pouches once or twice a day and those run about $5 a box for 10 pouches. My female gets some milk since she just had five kittens and it's $3 for three small boxes of Whiskas CatMilk. It just depends on what you want to spend. Yes, it will save you money by buying the cheap, cheap, cheap food, but it will costs you more money in the long run in vet bills.

    Onto litter. I use Fresh Step with the Odor Eliminating stuff. I go through a 28 lb bucket every two weeks because I have two cats and I live in a small house so I want it to smell nice. There are other types of litter you can buy that will do just as well. I have heard that Arm & Hammer is a great product. I would stay away from Special Kitty litter. You get a great deal on it but cheaper isn't always better. You can get a scooper for less than a dollar at WalMart or if you would like you can get a fancier one. I'm not sure why you need a fancier one to scoop out a litter box but to each his own. The boxes are not that expensive. But like I said, it just depends on what you want. We have a fairly big one and another smaller one. You can find these at WalMart or if you would like, you can find them at any pet store. Good luck with your kitty!

  6. Depending on which type of cat food you want to buy for her, there are cheap brands that cost around 10$ for a 15-20 pound bag, or more high quality brand that can cost 30$ or more for a 20 pound bag, I feed my cats nutro max, it is a pretty good brand of cat food but def not the best, it costs me to feed 3 cats about 20$ a month, you can get really cheap litter boxes, but the ones with the hood are better, it keeps the litter and odor inside the litter box. they cost around 20$

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