
Kitten help??please???

by  |  earlier

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I would really like to have a kitten, but my dad doesnt agree- he says that they are really dirty, and that they will dirty the house and things-

could you all give some advantages and disadvantages of owning a kitten, so that i can show my dad???

any help would be great!

and i woulsd also like to know, if i manage to persuade him to let me get one, how should i bring the kitten home?

in a car, should i carry it in a box or should i hold it( by the way, it is a newborn kitten and sctratches!)

could you also give me any advice about bringing a newborn cat home, and how to get it to like you enough to let you hold it?






  1. they are cute fuzzy and tonnes of fun!! if its a shorthair then there wont be hairs everywhere. get it a litter tray and it will be fine. bring it  home in a regular cat crate and dont let it out of the house for at least a week so it gets used to the house.

  2. First off, a newborn kitten shouldn't be taken from it's Mom. It should stay with her until it's at least 8 weeks old to get all the nutrients of her milk and learn proper cat behavior.

    Anytime you transport a cat or kitten anywhere it should be in a proper cat carrier. Not only is this safer for the cat, it is safer for you and whoever is driving. If the cat becomes frightened by something, it won't cause a distraction to the driver by getting loose in the car. This is a dangerous situation!

    And cats and kittens are very clean creatures! They like clean bedding and surroundings, so to say they will dirty the house isn't a true statement. Of course you have to keep them clean and keep their toys, bedding and litter box clean. If the box isn't scooped and cleaned often then it will smell up the whole house, and that obviously isn't good for your cat OR your house lol.

  3. how old are you? Some people just dont like animals and if i were in your situation id wait to move out so you wouldnt have to worry about your kitten not being taken care of properly if you arent around and you wont have to hear your dad complain about it. Just my .02. Kittens can be a pain and they like to get into things that could hurt them. If you do decide to get the kitten id hope you get it from a local shelter, when i got my kitten they wouldnt let you take the kitten unless you had a carrying case, they also sold cardboard ones for around 7 bucks. When you take it home make sure you clear any dangerous objects out of the way and just let the kitten roam and get used to its new surroundings. When your kitten is comfortable it will come out and play with you. GoodLuck, it will require alot of attention the first month or so!

    Edit- okay your young, just wait a bit ive seen some kids in situations where the parent lets them get the animal and then a year later makes the kid take the animal back to the shelter and thats not cool, also im sure your dad will want the kitten de-clawed and thats very in humane and painfull for the cat so please just wait, i love animals too and if your dad isnt supportive of it, it will be just too much trouble.

  4. PROS-Cats are very affectionate towards human beings. The Siamese breed of cats are very affectionate towards people. Cats can recognize footsteps of their owner from hundreds of feet away. Cats are easy to care as compared to dogs. Outdoor cats bury their faeces. Cats groom themselves with their saliva. The cats tongue, saliva and paws help in grooming cats themselves. Cats groom themselves about twenty times in a day. Kittens start cleaning or grooming themselves at the age of one month. All cats generally do not need bath. Cats are easiest to care out of all domestic animals. Cats are most independent domestic animals. Cats do not need care and attention. Cats are also small in size. Cats also exercise themselves. Cats are most playful out of all domestic animals

    CONS- vet bills are high and they may scratch only furniture if not sprayed with water when they do it

  5. well i am the same age as you and i have two cats one is 5 and the other is 18 we have had them since they were kittens and they were absolutley fine! But sometimes cats may bring dead animals in the house but that is only rare. They might scratch the furniture but when they do that you must spray them with water so they learn not to do it again.

    When bringing a cat home you get a cat carrier and put a towel and the bottom of it . You can also use this for when you take your cat to the vets etc. Ready for your cat you should have a litter box and food and water bowls obviously.

    When you first get your cat let it get used to the house and dont let the cat out side for around three months. Also when you go out keep the toilet lids closed because kittens can get into the toilet.

    Other then that cats are the best pets anyone can have. ^.^

  6. Cats are very clean animals.  

    A kitten knows how to use a litter box - a puppy has to be housebroken.  They are very fastidious.  If the box isn't clean, they won't use it.

    You can put down a big bowl of food - a kitten will nibble for a couple of days.  A puppy will eat till it's gone.

    A kitten will groom themselves.  A puppy must be given a bath.

    I would suggest for safety (kitty's and yours) that you bring her home in a box or small pet carrier.

    Speak softly to kitty, let her smell you and get used to your scent.  She'll want to check out her new surroundings.  Pet her when you can, speaking softly to her.  Before you know it, she'll be in your lap, purring contentedly.

  7. ok so kittens turn to cats that can catch mice also they are friendly they also catch snakes if they r rrealy good i have never had a cat that has destructive for no good reason they love to be petted but they shed and sometimes spray but that is only because they are marking there teratory so other cats r informed what belongs to them
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