
Kitten isn't nursing.?

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I have a 3 day old kitten that isn't nursing. It tries, but the milk comes out of it's nose. It's been sneezing too. What's a matter?




  1. You can try to feed it yourself with a little bottle from a pet store.  

  2. if the milk is coming out it's nose  that means it is eating to fast and aspirating (breathing) the milk that is why it comes out of it's nose. you can try feeding it with a nurser bottle, but be careful to do it slowly to ensure that the milk is being swallowed and not backing up because if that happens it could choke and die. i would look online about bottle feeding kittens you should be able to find some good stuff on there before trying this. you could take it to the vet and rule out and physical reason that it is having trouble eating .  good luck...

  3. Don't listen to the person that said she would die. Give her a chance and take her to the vet. They will be able to give you great advice.

    If you can't save her, then you did all you could, poor little mite. x

  4. Give her a chance. I had a ktiten that i was certian was going to die, but we bottle fed hima nd now he is 18 days old and although much smaller than the others is a lively adorable furball.....

    You need to bottle feed her, but i would advise a syringe. I was told milk coming ourt the nose is a bad sign so you need to encourage her to feed VERY slowly- it will take a while- and you need to do it day & night. If you do it for a couple of days you may find she is strng enough to go back to her mum (you also need to use a warm cotton woll pad on her privtae bits to make her pee after each feed unless the mother cat will still l**k her or she will also die!)

    please read up on feeding kittens on the internet to arm you with all the help. You need to act fast every minute counts as she is getting very weak. there is a good chance she will not survive but you DO have a chance. Dont be put off by the round the clock feeding, as it may only be needed really intensly for a few days and i am sure you will find it rewarding i certainly did, and within a week he was strong enough to take enough from mum to not need night feeding- now he just has 2 feeds from us each day. please try! i didnt give up on Biscuit!

  5. The kitten may be eating too fast. You might want to try bottle feeding it. If your concerned talk to your local vet.

  6. Ignore the person saying it will die.

    If it's latching on, it's not too weak!

    It sounds like this little one is eating too fast and not swallowing as quick as it's nursing. So the milk is backing up into it's nose. This isn't good because the kitten can choke!

    You can try bottle feeding, or you can use an eyedropper. You can buy special formula for kittens (either KMR or Just Born) or you can use plain unflavored Pedialyte for a few days until he gets a little bigger and can swallow effectively.

    Here are two excellent websites. They're meant for orphaned kittens, but you can use the info here and tailor it to your needs. I've used both extensively as I have raised several orphaned kittens.

  7. This kitten may be the runt of the litter and clearly has something wrong with keeping and digesting the milk. Give the vet a ring for advice, it may have been born with a digestive defect. Prepare yourself for the worst as it does not seem to be thriving enough to survive, the vet may even advise to have the kitten put to sleep to prevent it dying slowly. Its common for 1 or more kittens to die in the early days, its part of natures survival of the fittest! Best of luck.

  8. its probably to weak to nurse...its probably going to die....there is nothing u can do...srry =' [
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