
Kitten keeps attacking?

by  |  earlier

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My 2 year old got a kitten for his birthday in June when it was only 7 weeks old and it was really sweet. Now my son can't lay on the floor and play because the cat attacks him. It tries to claw my toddlers face and bites him really hard. I've tried the spray bottle tactic but it doesn't help anything. And when we try to pick it up and put it in a different room he tries to bite my husband and I. I don't know why he's being so aggressive and mean. Is there anyway to stop it? Because if I can't get it to stop I'm going to get rid of him but I don't want to because my son is really attached to him like he's his best friend.




  1. That's just a kitten being a kitten.

    He'll grow out of it long before your toddler learns how to play well with others.

    It may be that your family isn't ready for hard-core kitten action.

    But tough it out! Cat's make great pets.

    A dog , on the other hand , can be boisterous for a life time!

    But some folks like that.

  2. Yikes - this kitty sounds like a "code red" situation.  I've never heard of a such aggression and would be seriously looking for a new home for kitty - one without children.

    You son is young and has a short memory span.  Replace kitty with a gold fish he can help feed.  I know that sounds silly, but I did this with my daughter at that age and she really loved her fishy.

  3. sounds like the kitten is ruff housing with your son kittens do that thats why i dont like kittens i personally always get one atleast 2 yrs old the kitten bites hard when its picked up because it doesnt want to be picked up cats do this cuz they are way more bullheaded than we are. this kittens just has some growing up to do but can be trained to not behave badly you just have to work at it and it will take patience because this is a cat and not a puppy dont smother it but interact with it everyday or it will become semi ferral 'wild' i have seen this happen oh and what may help alot is to get the cat toys so it can play with those and not your son and definatly a scratching post  

  4. It's really hard to let a pet go, but if he can pose serious danger to your baby, there are times when you must. If I was in your position I'd find a cat breeder, ad get a kitten who is only a few weeks old. It's not worth it having the possibility of your child being seriously injured because of a pet.


  5. try and see if when the cat attacks someone, smack him/her on the side of the rump firmly, but don't hurt the cat. if that doesn't work. then its time to get a new home for kitty.

  6. Look you should not have got a 7 week old kitten for a two year old child. Please arrange to find a good home for the kitten. It is only doing what kittens do which is play and attack and generally make

    nuisances of themselves until they are about one year old. You have

    a baby who is trying to play with another baby, your human one. People think that getting a kitten for a small child is a great idea it is not. Children do not know the difference between alive animal and a toy. They grab,yank and generally torment the animal and then the parents wonder why the animal fights back. You say that the kitten is your child's best friend. Sorry he is not. I guarantee you that your child will not notice that the kitten is gone after a couple of days. I can tell by your question neither you or your husband have ever owned a cat so really it is in your best interests to find it a good home with no children. The next time you decide to give your child a living creature wait until he is about 6 or 7 years old they have a better understanding of what a live animal is then.  If you keep this kitten you will only

    make its life a misery and your own as well.

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