
Kitten keeps throwing his litter around. Tried both regular and clumping litter but the floor ends up dusted

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with the stuff. Any suggestions. He's 3 months old and about half grown if that information is of any use.




  1. Use a covered catbox.

    Try the kitty crystals, they're heavier and dust-free.

  2. It's just something cats do.  I use a litter tray that has a cover/hood..  It helps.

  3. I have that problem with my boy cat and it is annoying.  I vacuum one day and the next day, it's like I haven't even vacuumed.  I have a hooded litter box with a door and that does amazing work.  It keeps most of the litter inside the litter box.  But then when he jumps out, he kicks it everywhere so I bought a room divider (room partition? I don't know what they are called) and kind of stuck it there to block any extra flying particles/litter and that helps a little too.  But, it's still quite a mess.  What are pellets?  I've never heard of that.  Let me see if I can find some links.

  4. Buy one of those litter boxes that has a lid.  I use a whole box of the clumping Special Kitty litter from Wal-Mart.  If I keep cleaning it religiously and sprinkle Arm and Hammer baking soda for cat litter lightly over the top after each scooping and mix it in, I can get the litter to last about a week and a half.  (The litter box is deep, but it may be too deep if you don't use a whole box.  At the same time, that cat litter is expensive, so you try to get as much as you can out of the litter without compromising the health of the kitten.)  I bought a cheap bath mat to put the litter box on top.  Doesn't keep all the litter from being dragged around from the cat hopping in and out, but it traps the majority of the litter.

    All that seemed to work for me.  Good luck!

  5. You can buy a litter mat that goes in front of the litterbox and empty it when you clean the box out daily.  We use hooded boxes to limit the spreading of the litter to the front area only.  Most dust-based litter will stick to the paws on exiting the box, the mat will help reduce the amount on the floor.  Tidy cats has a new litter out to prevent this, it's called Breeze.  I haven't tried it yet, but I am curious to hear if any of my patients owners have.  Here is the website:

  6. Get a Rubbermaid storage container (and just discard the lid) instead of a litter box - they are much deeper and he won't throw the litter around as much.

  7. you need to get a deeper box (the rubbermaid bins work beautifully. don't get the hood. it only concentrates the odors (how would you like to use a bathroom that is all closed up all the time)? my crew won't use it because they can't see who is out there, who might attack, either in fun or for real.

    we use the clumping litter because there is less mess and less digging to cover it up. they get in and get out.

    put a large piece of carpet (the larger the better) under the litter box. it catches all the little crumbs so they don't end up on your floor.

    btw. it is natural for kittens, feeling their oats, to play with everything! when they are older and wiser. they will have other things to amuse themselves.

  8. Its trying to be the olympic feline gold medal winner in the categories of digging its way to China and irritating the heck out of you.

  9.    it is being a cat my cats do it to

  10. Sorry for the bad news.  I have recently gotten two four-month old kittens and they scatter litter like you wouldn't believe!  I had forgotten that kittens do this.  You will probably find when the kitten is closer to a year in age that it will stop.

    Getting the vacuum cleaner out in the AM is now just part of the daily routine.  I did purchase a "swivel seeper" over the internet and it works very well for cleaning up litter.  I have boxes all over the house because I have five cats now (and six boxes) so I use the vacuum cleaner most days.

  11. AH yes the dreaded litter party, my cats did this too, but!! great solution, go to pet-co or pet smart and get a litter box that he has to enter through the top, or use pellets, I have no problems anymore

  12. You could by a rim that fits around the top of the litter box, you could buy a lid to put on the litter box, you could put a mat under the litter box.

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