
Kitten likes cantaloupe?

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I saw sitting the the couch eating cantaloupe and my kitten keep trying to sniff my hands so I let him and he went nuts. I gave him a small piece and he loved it so much. When we have it in the house I cut a big piece and he lays on my lap and chews on it he loves it so much that if you try and move it away from him he will grab your hand!

What I am wondering is that is it alright to let him have that once in a while? I figure that it is fruit it is loaded with vitamins so him just having just a small nibble every now and again wouldn't harm him but I'm not sure.




  1. My cat LOVES all types of fruit and other health snacks. He hates fish and meat though. We give him fruit all the time and he's fine  

  2. Hey I have a cat that eats broccoli...some of them like things we may think are weird...but its natural they could have it in the why not at home... besides I love cantalope too  

  3. No because fruit has a bunchhaaa vitamins in it, and if its healthy for us, i doubt its harmful.

  4. It won't hurt him.

    However, I would only give it to him occasionally and in small amounts as you're doing, because cats' bodies aren't designed to process lots of fruit, and too much could give him the runs.

    A little should be fine. The cat food I use contains a little fruit (though not cantaloupe as far as I know) and my cats do great on it.

  5. There is nothing wrong with giving a cat cantaloupe once in awhile. My cousin's cat adores cantaloupe and Kitty hasn't been hurt by it yet. Just be sure to use it in moderation.

  6. I wouldn't think it would hurt your kitten but you might want to research it a little.  I feed my dog apple slices every once in a while and it doesn't seem to hurt her.

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