This is a serious question and i don't want to the "you shouldn't have taken the cat if you didn't have the money to support it" because i do but i don't think for this situation i am in.
Right now i have this kitten about 2 months old and i took him in from outside and brought it into my home and hes been doing fine. I go to my parents house and hes fine but not yesterday. He acted way different then usual. He usually plays with my other cat and runs around all energetic and now this time all hes been doing is look sad and just lay under my bed curled up helpless and looking lifeless.
When i went to my moms house on the 22nd of august my brother said he might have been by some boric acid because the maintenance crew comes in and does the orkin thing and puts traps and stuff to kill the bugs but for some reason my brother was saying he was playing in that boric acid and i was hoping he did eat any of it because i know that can be deadly because my sisters rabbit died from it a few years ago.
Now I'm worried that my kitten has gotten poisoned because its just laying there sleeping and hardly going to the bathroom and eating rarely. He hasn't thrown up which can be a good thing or bad thing. He looks really sick and right now I'm having some money troubles living on my own and when i went to the vet they told me it would be about 100 bucks just to walk in to see the cat and this was about 20 mins before the place closed, so the recommended this emergency doctor which they explained to me would be 100 dollars or more. I want to get a payment plan but i don't know whether or not i can afford a one lump sum payment but also at the same time i don't want to see the kitten suffer and me not do a thing to help him out.
What can i do people because i have no idea what to do. I have come so attached to this cat but my financial circumstances has limited me to get care for him so far. I live in the Elgin, Illinois area and its very difficult for me. I actually have been crying over this because its just really frustrating that i really cant do anything. Please help me on this because this is very serious and I know my kitten has only a few more days to live before the worst happens and i don't want that to happen.
Serious answers please, this is something very sensitive to me.