
Kitten vaccination.?

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So I took my kitten Calvin in for his very first vaccinations this afternoon. He had never seen a dog before today so I was shocked that he was so calm and cooperative while sitting in the waiting room for an hour. He was even playful and fell asleep at one point.

Anyway, all was fine and dandy until he actually got the vaccination. The vet drew up the saline and then the 7-in-1 vaccine but failed to notice the HUGE air bubble still in the syringe. Before I could say anything the needle was in my kitten's hip and she pushed the contents of the entire syringe into his hip, air and all. I now have my baby home, 3 hours later and the bubble is still in his thigh and is very sore to the touch. I called the emergency clinic and they told me that it would diffuse in about a week but until then would be sore.

The question is, what can I safely do for Calvin's pain? Every time I pick him up and hold his bottom for support he winces in pain and cries. Help?!




  1. If you phone the vet, they might give you some pain killer.

  2. First of all, I would consider getting another vet.  If she doesn't look for air bubbles, what else isn't she looking at?  I would call another vet and see what they say about the problem, if it's common and if your kitten will be alright.  Ask what you can give him to help the pain.  If they say it's not alright take him in immediately.  Usually though they give shots in the neck area so I find doing it in the hip a little odd.

  3. thats too bad, people make mistakes I guess, well, you shouls avoid toughing him in that area is my only answer, sorry
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