So my 5 week old refuses to eat from a bowl even when I place him RIGHT next to it and encourage him to smell it real close. Nope, nothing doing.
However, when I sit on the ground with him when he's hungry he crawls into my lap, lays there, and quietly meows ("hey, big ogre looking fellow, I'm hungry.") So I decided to pick up little pieces of his canned soft food in my palm, put it near his nose, and he eats it up like a beast. Also, when I hold the bowl tight for him on my lap he eats just as well.
How can I get him to eat when the bowl is on the floor?
I put a waterproof table cover around the area for when he makes a mess, and the bowl does move around a little when he eats...but still, 95% of the time he just sits outside of the covered area and meows. Then of course I have to lap feed him, after which he takes a nice cat nap in my lap with his full tummy (he even burps sometimes) which is real cute. But you could see why this would be a problem when I'm not home.
By the way, he won't eat dry food at ALL unless it's mixed into the soft. Maybe I weaned him onto canned stuff too soon? I know he can crunch the kibbles b/c I've heard him do it before when it's mixed into the soft.
Thanks people. And he's 5 weeks old because he was an orphan that followed me home for over an hour crossing roads like a madman. I live in Bulgaria... I always have to say this ("shame on you he's too young!") and this is my 6th kitten question.