
Kitten with a Larvae problem?

by  |  earlier

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I have a less than a month old kitten that is living outside. I found her a few days ago and she had this white stuff on her head. I didn't think anything of it. Then I had my mom come and look at the kittens with me the next day, and the white stuff was gone and their was just a little patch of wihite with fur. I came back again a few hours later, and her whole head was covered in white and there were at least 10 flies on her head and thats when it hit me, larvae. I came to look at her again the next day, and there were a bunch of red/white spots with no fur and you could see the kitten's skin and in one part, the skull. The kitten is currently in very bad state, and i want to know if there is anything i can do about it, and to stop the other kittens in that litter from getting this. HELP!!!




  1. get it to a vet as soon as possible and keep it away from flies and the outdoors for a while

  2. Aside from the fact that it is very gross. Having found the kittens in this predicament you should consider yourself obligated to call animal control.  It would be nothing less than animal cruelty if you didn't.

  3. in the name of god woman, if you have any sense of decency, if there is at least one ounce of caring in your body, take it to a vet. if you cant afford a vet, take it to a shelter.

    even shooting it would be more humane then watching files eat through its flesh.

  4. take it to the vet as soon as possible as soon as possible

  5. VET

  6. alright, go to the vet NOW! i'm serious, that is very dangerous, gosh, i hope you take my advice, i hope the kitten is ok, oh, and as for trying to keep the other kittens from getting this, theres not much you can do unless you can keep the kittens away from the sick one

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