
Kittens and Worms, What Should I Do?

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I found out yesterday that my kitten definitely has worms (swollen pot belly and she's never been treated for it, I found her on the street outside my apartment) but I can't make a vet appointment for at least two weeks because of my work schedule. She's very bright eyed and energetic, her nictitating membranes are fully retracted (i read that when you can see them in the corners of a cat's eyes, it's a sign of sickness), she has a healthy appetite, and otherwise seems fine. She's about 14 weeks old, I think.

How worried should I be about not being able to get her to the vet right away? Will she be okay? Does this constitute a potential emergency, should I make alternate arrangements with my job?




  1. CALL the vet and see what they say before you have a chance to bring her in....

  2. You can buy over-the-counter wormers at your local pet store or department store.  Or you go to a feed supply store if you live in the country.  these won't kill all types of worms but seem to work on the most common ones - try them and if the problem persists then go to your vet for a shot (also available at most feed supply stores if you can administer it yourself)

  3. Worms are interesting because they are relatively easy to treat yourself. If you go to your local pet store you can find special medicine for deworming that usually has a dosage for kittens. I had to deworm my cat. I will warn you, it usually takes two because you have to shoot the medicine down their throat.

    If you don't feel that comfortable on your own, you can always call your vet for recommendations, or ask the vet at the pet store (like the ones that come in Petsmart). Something as routine as worms isn't an emergency really, unless it's heartworms. So basically, it's what you feel most comfortable with.

  4. I would make arrangements with my work.  Explain the situation honestly, and ask when the best day/time is to take off. Usually the best times are either first thing in the morning, or late afternoon so you don't have to leave and come back.  Worms can kill the kitten if left untreated.

  5. I wouldnt wait 2 weeks unless you absolutely have to.  

  6. As long as she has a healthy appetite, acts and looks healthy she should be ok. Just take her as soon as you can to get the worm meds. You might even want to call the vet to see if you can get the meds without having to take her to the vet.

  7. Go to the pet store and buy some dewormer.

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