
Kittens and convincing someone to give them away?

by Guest61184  |  earlier

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My brothers 12 year old friends outside cat, had 3 kittens about a month ago. The cats are flea ridden, have worms ect ect. My bro's friends mom is really struggling, being a single mom not making much money, will not be able to pay money for them to get shots, or vacc's or anything else. I know the best course of action is to give the kittens away to a good home or good animal shelter. I told him he should do this, and he got extremely upset and would not listen to me. His mom will not be able to afford to even feed the cats, as they have an inside cat as well, tottalling to 5 full grown cats when the kittens grow. Unfortunately, his mom is just as dense and it is really bothering me. How will I be able to get them to give the cats to the pound? I knwo that having the cats outside reduces their lifespan to around 5 years, compared to 15, and when I told him this, he said I don't care, 5 is good enough for me. How can I convince him to stop being selfish and give them away?




  1. I would definitely call aspca or your local shelter.  And taking them to the vet will not resolve the issue, as their cat will have kittens again anyway.

    And since they are aware of the problem and unwilling to do anything, get the law involved.  You can report the issue anonymously as well.

  2. Try takeing your friend to a councler because he cares of know one but himself try scareing him by saying your whole house will be infested by flees and ticks also dont call animal control because they will take them to pound and most likely put them to sleep  instead try putting up fliers

  3. if they are already not listening to you or anyone else..unfortunally the only wake up call that would probably work is calling animal control...they can keep it confidential so your friends wouldn know it was you that called..if they find the cats in poor condition they will usually give them up to 2 weeks to fix the problem or have them give away the kittens..if not they will come in and take the kittens themselve and your friends can face other charges like animal abuse if they do not listen to animal control..which would lead into loads of fines and jail time.

  4. you could call animal control but the kittens are likely to be put to sleep as they are unhealthy...but maybe not but seeing as the kittens are unhealthy and sick that might be better anyways....either way the best idea is probably to call animal control and have them give them a warning and/or take the cats away...the kittens might die if they don't get care...animal control might be able to help...don't steal the kittens, that could get you in trouble...animal control is the best idea

  5. this link is about how to get rid of pets

    you should note that giving them to the shelter is the best thing  -most "Free to Good Home" pets do not find GOOD homes.. shelters screen people

    if she loves the cats this is what she will do

    infact you can have her give them to you.. and  YOU can take them to the shelter - this is 100% legal..

  6. Call animal control.

  7. You could try calling animal control.

    If they find that the kittens are in poor enough condition, they could give them a warning for it, or take them away if they refuse to give them better care.

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