
Kittens and diarrhoea problems, help.?

by  |  earlier

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I have 3 kittens, 2 are 6 months and have recently been put onto cat food as they went off kitten food, and a 2 month old kitten who is still on kitten food.

We have just got back from a 4 day holiday where we put our kittens in a cattery and all of them have got really bad diarrhoea (as in totally liquid). I haven't seen them with this kind of diarrhoea before. I've tried to feed them on just biscuits today, but they are still having sloppy poos. One of the kittens had an almost properly formed one, but then went back to sloppy.

Can anyone tell me what they think, do you think it's the food im giving them or a bug they may have picked up at the cattery??





  1. its possible they picked up something at the cattery, but is sounds like it could be stress as well, I would get some metronitazol from you vet, but for now put the kittens back on kitten food, this is causing the poos, their systems are not ready for adult food yet, they should be on kitten food until they are 1 year, if you have any pepto bismol, give them 1cc each every 3-4 hours, and go back to the kitten food,  the poos should clear up shortly

  2. It could be either. For the time being, don't feed them anything for 12 hours at least. After that, feed them a little bit of:

    a. boiled chicken breast

    b. or Science diet i/d.

    You could also add Canikur in their food. These are tablets for dogs, so they are big. Give a cat 1 quarter of a tablet morning ane evening. The 2 months old even a bit less.

    Also make sure they drink some water, but after the 12 hours.

    If you do all this and after 2 days they have not improved, take them to the vet . Also take them to the vet immediately if you see them have no appetite or throw up. De-worming may be a good idea as well.

  3. I agree with the food change comments - my kitten had really bad skitts for a while until I changed to dry food. Try Hills science formula, or something similar, as they have all the nutrients cats need.

    It'll resolve itself - sometimes kitten's tummies are just delicate and the slightest little thing can cause an upset - keep your eye on though

  4. you need to gradually change their food as the change can give them an upset stomach if they change too quickly. same with dogs

  5. probably a change in food  

  6. It's probably , the change in food that is causing the diarrhea , 'cuz one of my cats had the same thing , because i changed the food immediatly , try giving them kitten food for a few days , and see if it clears them up , then mix a little cat food with kitten food , and if they're still okay , give a little more cat food ( mixed with kitten food ) each time , until maybe yoou can give them pure cat food = ) hope this helped ,

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