
Kittens dead after being healthy 2 weeks before

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My two kittens died last night for some reason.

They were completely healthy and were well-fed.

But after 2 weeks that we had them, both of them died unexpectedly.

They slumped over on their side and looked weak. They were gasping for air and were all slimy on the rear-end. These kittens were abandoned by their mother and we took them in. one died hours after the first, and that one looked completely healthy with no signs of weakness or death imminent. Both were healthy, and then they were dead...What was wrong with them?




  1. I'm so sorry.  Kittens can be susceptible to communicable diseases and they can go downhill very fast since they are very tiny and their immune systems are not fully developed.  Even with really good care and a healthy, well-fed mom, kitten mortality is higher than most people expect.  They are pretty fragile little guys.

  2. I am so sorry.  Sometimes the reason the mother abandons them is that she senses something wrong.  I would suspect a viral problem, perhaps FIP, as it was so sudden.  But really, there are a number of things that kittens are susceptible to.

    I applaud you for trying, and I am sorry you did not see success.

  3. I'm sorry that happened, anything could have been wrong they may have gotten some type of diease from there mother. I have had infant animals died like that as well and very suddenly.

  4. How can anyone online magically diagnose them?  Take them to a vet if you want to know why.  Since they were outdoors their mother probably had a disease that was given to them once they nursed - Feline Leukemia, for example.  And if there were only two kittens in the litter they were probably born to a cat too young to have kittens in the first place.  In the two weeks you had them did you ever have a vet check them out?

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