
Kittens nursing on older sister?

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Two kittens approx 12 weeks old nurse on the older sister who is approx 9 mos old. The sister will "call out" to them to come nurse! She acts as if they are her babies. I noticed her belly looking saggy, so I squeezed a teet and a milky fluid came out! She is spayed and has never had kittens. What is going on here? Can she produce milk out of sheer will to be a mom? She won't leave them alone, and vice versa. There can be no seperating them, I've tried it and they tear my carpet trying to get out of the rooms. Should I just leave em alone? It's just so annoying to me. Plus she meows like a crazy cat until they come running, very loud. This can't be healthy for the older sis can it?




  1. I wouldn't worry about the fact that the older sister wants to nurse the babies. I've had many female cats nurse kittens that weren't theirs. However, those dominant female cats were either pregnant or nursing their own kittens as well. It is a bit strange that she is producing milk when she is not pregnant. I would call the vet just to ask if thats okay or not.  

  2. You can put a bit of Bitter Apple on the cat's nipples to discourage the younger one suckling. Please take all these girls and any guys you have to be fixed. It sounds like your cat is just having litter after litter and that's bad for her health and for the overrun pet population.

    Cats don't have sheer will to be a mom. Maternal instinct doesn't always kick in especially with younger mothers. Lots of kittens die because the mother has no desire to care for them.  I would say your 9 month old is probaby pregnant herself.  You are going to have a mess around there if you don't have these cats spayed and neutered.

  3. id say go to the vet and tell em your story

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