
Kittens triggering asthma...?

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Two days ago while helping my mom get things out of the garage we found 2 stray kittens and decided to take them in.

We've had a cat before and he died 2 months ago. My mother gets really bad asthma from cats and the only reason it wasn't TOO bad with our previous one was because he was an outdoor one and barely home. But since he didn't live long as an outdoor cat we wanted to raise these kittens as indoor which is causing problems with my mothers health.

The 2 month period we were free of cats, my mothers breathing was perfect. The kittens seem really attached to us and we feel bad giving them to a shelter with them already so comfortable here. (As I write this I have them both curled up sleeping on my lap)

But do I have any other options? My mothers health is very important to me ;(




  1. that is your only choice i think... or put them outside

  2. Sounds like your home isn't a good canidate for cats.  I say put an ad in the paper/craigslist and find them a good home yourself.  If you can't find one soon, give them to the spca.  It's SO dangerous for cats to be outside, & it's hard to really enjoy them if they're never around.  Plus, you don't want to risk your mom's health.  Anyhow, kittens are MUCH easier to adopt out than cats, so if you're going to do it, do it soon for their sake!

  3. I say if you really love your cats put an add in the paper and meet the people who respond that way you can make sure they are going to a good home.

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