
Kiwis, is anyone else offended by people viewing New Zealand as crime ridden and dull?

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I just think there are some people on here who have totally warped views about New Zealand, I'm bloody proud of our country and think its one of the best places in the world to live (after having traveled throughout America, Canada, UK and Europe)

I know i will not be one of the "sheep" following many other kiwis to live in Australia, because its easy to live a perfectly comfortable life, poisonous creature free, right her in NZ - have you seen some of OUR beaches!! and who really wants to be living in sweltering 30 degree plus temperatures all summer, surrounded by cockroaches and other "heat seeking" creatures.

Kiwis do you feel that our crime rate is truly high? or is just the media having a frenzy, because there's often not much other "breaking news" to make the headlines each night

I'd love to here some positive thoughts on this and i think its only right that we should continue to educate people about the positive aspects of living in NZ

and those of you who do believe our crime rate is bad, i want facts and figures not just random opinions based on recent happenings. theres an answerer on her who keeps claiming "new zealands crime rate is 10 times higher than new york city" but without anything to back such a statement up, i for one feel its a blatant lie

you know who you are...




  1. Just like anywhere else theres gonna be crime and things, but its still safer than most. I can walk around at night knowing chances of anything happening are remote, thats a start

    Love it here, and even though some of us may relocate elsewhere for a year or two to get experience (and I maen a year or two, not too much longer), we will end up back here.

    Great place and always will be home

  2. If there's a murder in NZ it makes the tv news. In the UK/US it doesn't make the inside pages of the local paper.

    Let everyone in the world think it is a crime ridden, cold, wet, earthquake prone, volcanic, boring place so those who know better can keep the place to themselves!

  3. auckland is in the top five cities in the world for the best quality of life index.

  4. Good on you for raising this discussion. I also live in GODZONE (NZ) & I don't have any problem with the oft quoted crime rate in NZ. It is no worse  than many other places and probably a lot better than most. I have lived here for 67 yrs and have not been a victim of any crime, possibly because I keep my mouth shut, look after myself and family/friends and don't do silly things like dabbling in drugs etc. You are right about it being a great place to live and if you ever are going through Picton give me a yell and we could meet up.

  5. NZ. is a great place, i've been there several times as a worker and on holiday, i've never felt uncomfortable any where in New Zealand, of course there is crime every were in the world, but NZ. is definately not a hot spot for crime, if not gang related it's just usually nuisance stuff that is common everywere, here in the uk. most crime isn't even reported, i think the TV. and papers blow it out of proportion in new zealand, we have a tv. programme called BOOZE BRITAIN, that confirms we do have a crime problem here in the uk. in new zealand you have 10/7. wich glorifies some very minor incidents , its as though there trying to make the place look crime ridden and more exciting, i hope new zealand will always be a great place to be

  6. Well, I don't have any fact and figures, and I'm not a kiwi.  I was there for a few months and the only crime I ever saw was by other travelers.  Everyone in NZ was super nice, it's beautiful around there [although a little cold in the winter] and I could seriously consider relocating there.  Lots of fun!

  7. well whoever said those sh*t can back the f*ck off! ^^ it's not true anyways so who really cares? they are simply jealous, ignorant and bored so leave them be ^^

    i love New Zealand too!!!!!!!!!!! ^^^ wooooooooohhhhhhh go NZ kiwis!!!!!!!!!!!

    have fun this winter season!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. There is crime in NZ. But not as bad as the media make it out.  I have lived in Europe for 2 & half years and watching the news over there, they don't mention murders, burglerier etc, they just focus on politcal corruption and any war that is fighting.

    Our media (TVNZ & TV3 news) like to focus on murders as there is not much going on in NZ.. Unless you count Winston Peters or who should be the All Black coach.

    I think that some immigrants are making a frenzy as well, but only because one "of their kind" was attacked.

    No NZ does not have a high crime rate, sure it's not great to read about people getting murdered, but believe me it's not that bad.

    I still feel safe walking the streets at night, then I did in Europe

  9. n z is god own counrty to live in  ,, i never pack my bag and go off sure, crime  really what crime rate ,,  it over blow by media coverage  cause there nothing else to put on the news in this lovely  country of  ours , i have travel to u k , and asian country in my life time ,   really we don't no we are born

  10. i'm not from new zealand, i'm from the united states, and i don't really frequent this area of yahoo answers much, but i'd just like to say that that most of the people i know see new zealand as a really gorgeous place. seriously. my friends and i have ALWAYS been very interested in new zealand culture and wanted to visit.

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