I'm trying to decide which speakers to get, I think I am set on the pioneer elite vsx-92txh for $800, but I am not sure on which speakers any advice would be appreciated. I just want 5.1 for right now, and can upgrade later.
I am looking at the klipsch synergy III series. The F-3 floorstands, The C-3 center speaker, The S-3 surround, and the sub-12 for the subwoofer. Total $1750
Or Boston Acoustics HS-450 floorstands, MCS-130 surround, HPS 10HO subwwofer, and the HS-225 center, Total $1700
Last Athena Ls-500 floorstands, LSC-C100 center, LS-100 surround, Still need a subwoofer, but only $595.
If anyone knows something better feel free to suggest.
I am trying to stay under $2000