
Klitschko is suppose to be the best?????????

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Im watching the fight as I write this and I have to say BOTH these guy's suck! This is the worst fight I have seen since Tyson vs. Smith. Wladimir is pawing and stalking and Sultan is throwing wild off balance punches. Klitschko looks scared to get hit and the crowd is booing them. Anyone who says Wladimir Klitschko is the best out there or could beat ANY alltime great needs banned from Yahoo answers. Thank GOD this wasn't p.p.v. UGH! If this is the best heavyweight in the world oh my!




  1. Klitschko is  best.

    if haters have no f... idea of boxing and prefer to see a bamfights ,can tern to "other sports"

  2. The last fight I watched was Taylor/Pavlik and I must say that Klitschko vs Sultan was a big steaming pile of nutty brown bullsh*t compared to Taylor/Pavlik

    By far the worst fight I have ever seen. It looked like those two were swatting flies

  3. I don’t think people who say Wladimir Klitschko is the best heavyweight out there are saying he's an all-time great.  Maybe they think we have a division is a litter of runts and Wladimir is simply the best of that litter -- not good, but better than (or not as bad as) the rest.

    I thought Wladimir was making real progress in his last few fights.  Maybe last night’s fight was just a case of styles making for a dull fight.  That may be a good thing in the short-term:  What’s more encouraging to fighters on the way up than seeing a “champion” they think they can beat?  

    Why the criticism of Americans for wanting to see exciting (“bam!”) fights?  Max says Americans are all the same in wanting to see two guys “punching each other in the face like complete retards.”  I think Max and other critics are missing the point.  Most of us want to see exciting fights in which both fighters are doing their best to win, not merely survive.  

    The rules of boxing (Hi Harold!) provide four criteria for scoring:  clean punching; effective aggression; ring generalship; and defense.  I missed last night’s fight, but in reading the comments here I don’t see any comments suggesting that the fight had much to judge.  It sounds like Klitschko’s defense was “effective,” but that doesn’t mean much when an opponent isn’t throwing punches.  I could go on, but you guys get the point.  Maybe this type of fight is a reason why most scoring is done on the 10-Point MUST system.  Absent a mandatory minimum score of 10 points, we might see boxing scores that look like tennis scores.

  4. I thought Klitchko fought a very smart fight. The way he continually batted down Sultan's jabs eventually took away that punch altogether and led Sultan to leave his hand down by his side frequently leaving him open to the powerful jab of Klitchko. Wladimir followed his corner's instructions to a "T" for the first 6 rounds which put him way ahead in the fight but he had trouble changing strategy to go for the knock out.

    I still thought the fight was entertaining and that Klitchko is the best heavyweight out there. He can fight any number of ways. Employing this strategy he wasn't even winded after 12 rounds while Sultan was stumbling around like a drunkard after 8 rounds. I would of liked to see a knockout in Pavlik's fight as well but you can't have a knockout every fight. Not even Tyson in his prime was able to do that. Anyhow, I know I'm in the minority.

  5. Wladimir Klitchko is the best actually..u americans are all the same all you want to see in boxing is 2 guys punching each other in the face like complete retards. what Klitchko did was exactly what needed to be done. he came into this fight with a tactic and used it perfectly on him. And dont gimme that bullshit he would have knocked him out in the 9th round if it wasn't for the ropes. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD 44 KOS FROM 49 WINS....thats why he layed out brewster, austin, peter...i could do this all night. so as u can see klitchko is the best heavy wieght.

  6. well...first of its heavyweight like scroch already said, cant expect too much ..then one punches left the other one right, that doesnt make it easy. Plus Ibramigov was boxing very defensive and trying to survive that made it hard for klitschko to knock him out. this was def. not his best fight (did u watch his other fights before???!!!) i dont say he is the best, but still one of the best professional heavyweight fighters we have right now...

  7. Klichko never throws himself into a brawl. He fights and tries not make any mistakes. which is the way everybody should fight. plus ( I noticed that while you were posting you missed the part when Klichko knocked the guy out and he was lucky that he caught the rops) Klichko hits when he's sure he will be successful, that's also a good technique. So yea he is the best and if you think he sucks go and tell him that. I hope you'll wake up from your coma

  8. Krutoy obviously hasn't watched any of the great heavyweight fights from the past!!

    It was a terrible fight, Ibtagimov was never in the fight and Klitchko never looked like he wanted to knock him out, just stayed behind the jab and very rarely threw his right. Cos Klitchko has such a poor chin he is reluctant to get stuck in so he just plays it safe!!He had the opportunity to win lots of American fans but instead settled for an easy and boring win! Surely this guy cannot unify the division he is not in the same league as the legends of past eras!!

  9. Heavyweights are the least entertaining of all the weight classes.... they are too big and slow, it barely counts as boxing.

  10. Aceman - My thoughts exactly! There is very little if any head movement from either of these guys except for when Ibragimov crouches over from his waist! This is depressing!

    I'd love to see a decent counterpuncher against Klitschko!

  11. Klitschko is a horribe and overrated fighter. He's the Tim Sylvia of boxing (if you know who that is). I feel kind of bad for the thousands of people who paid big bucks to get seats for this fight.

    I really wish that an aggressive, explosive knockout artist like Mike Tyson in his prime, would come along and knock this guy it. It's getting annoying actually.

  12. he is the best so shut up and its his way of fighting.

  13. Wlad put on a PBF like performance tonight. Wlad was excellent defensively and was content to cruise to a win on the scorecards. Wlad has a jack hammer jab but people want to see knock outs not unanimous decisions.

    P.S. To the person that said this is the worst fight they have ever seen is flat out wrong, just watch any of John Ruiz's fights and then you'll know what boring is.

  14. Klitschko fought safe, and won an easy decision.  Klitschko not only looked scared to get hit, he was scared.  Eventually someone is going to come along and walk through that jab, but Ibragimove wasn't the guy.  I hate to say this, but I really believe I know at least 6 or 8 guys who are better than these two, and they don't even fight professionally.  It was at best a boring safe win for Klitschko, and a goose egg for fans watching.  

    Emanuel realized this mid way through the fight and tried to bring Klitschko out of his defensive shell, and of course that idiot Kellerman had to show his true colors and criticize Emanuel Steward for telling Klitschko to pick up the level of agression.  Unbelievable, I don't want to turn this into a rant against Kellerman, but I miss Larry Merchant.  I don't know how they did it, but they managed to find someone even more  obnoxious than Merchant to replace Larry with.

    This fight did little to show any talent in the heavyweight division, but at least two of the belts are now in the possession of one man.  We at least are a little closer to a real heavyweight champion, even if he has a glass jaw and a cold fear of getting hit running like a pair of yellow suspenders up the middle of his back.  Kilitschko now looks like he will have to face Sam Peters after Peters KOs Oleg Maskaev.   After getting dropped three times in their first fight, I can't wait to see how Emanuel gets Wladmir ready for that kind of rematch.

  15. Let's not be fooled we all know that the Heavyweight category is severely struggling and it will be for a very long time to come. It's not the fact that these heavyweights are slow in fact these big men have just that great speed for very big men, and are the most dangerous men of their sport because of the "threat" being able to end a fight with any given punch. Listening to Stewart in the corner during the rounds he told Klitschko that he must knock out S.I or the fight means nothing!!!! People pay good money to watch heavyweights for the violent knockouts not to dance and prance hug and hold!! That fight was a disgrace, the lower weight classes remain dominant as the heavyweights still rebuild. I agree if these are the best in the world oh my.

  16. ACEMAN, I told everyone a couple of questions ago that if fighters come out for a big hyped fight or suppose to be the best fighter and performs terrible then it is going to make 2008 a bad year for boxing. GUESS WHAT???? It happened again! Klitschko came out and with the memory of the last southpaw he fought and was KO'd! Klitschko's performance was not dominate but a safe cautious fight to a UD over a fighter who had a draw with a fighter Klitschko destroyed in 2 rounds! Ibragamov crouched down the whole fight scared of Klitschko, threw wild punches and not listening to his corner. Manny Steward even told Klitschko that he still looked bad even though he would win a decision. I thought that was cruel at first, but I thought he was right. Klitschko slapped punches and threw few right hands against a southpaw and that is very rare. Ibragamov did not naturalize Klitschko's right hand, Klitschko was just scared. You know this division is very tainted and needs a lift and it appears Klitschko might not be the one at this time. Someone needs to step up!

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