
Klonopin and alcohol?

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I know that it was stupid but me and two friends were drinking whisky and stumbled upon a bottle of klonopin. we each took five 2mg pills over the course of half an hour and i don't rember any thing after swallowing them. We took them around 5:30 am and slept until about 7 or 8 pm talked for a while noticing that we were acting very drunk and went back to sleep. i feel fine now but my friend still feels drunk from taking the pills early Wendsday morning could any on tell me how much longer he could expect to be intoxicated?




  1. Don't worry about the shmucks.  24-36 hours would be your best bet.  It also depends on everyones tolerance, weight, and other factors.  Drink plenty of water.  Help flush the toxins out of your system.

  2. You definitely deserve to figure this one out for yourself dude.

  3. Mixing drugs and alcohol is VERY dangerous. Klonopin is used for several disorders/diseases, including seizure disorders and panic disorder. Side effects include drowsiness and dizziness. Alcohol only exacerbates the effects. It should not be taken if you have problems with liver,kidney or respiratory systems. Klonopin is habit forming.

  4. Well, really really dumb idea as you said yourself, could have easily killed off both of you. Alcohol multiplies the effects of drugs because it thins your blood so the drug spreads faster and easier than it's supposed to through your bloodstream. If you were very drunk, then those two pills would be like the equivalent of putting ten pills in your body at once, the same shock to your system.

    It would have been smart at that point to induce vomiting immediately. I'm very honestly surprised you managed to keep from vomiting!

    To answer your question, your friend is going to feel like sh*t until he sleeps again and gets a good long sleep. As long as he's awake his body will not be able to repair and the feeling of intoxication and general sickness is going to remain. He should try to sleep as soon as possible.
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