
Knee Pain walking downhill?

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I am 35 yr old male of slight build. On last day of a trek in Nepal (which was 8 hrs virtually all downhill)suffered severe pain on the outside of left knee. Was OK again within 3 days, but during following couple of months, any downhill walking of any longer than say 10-15 minutes & flares up again. However once back on flat or uphill ground, pain disappears almost immediately! If I do another trek in near future, to prevent re occurrence, are certain exercises/surgery required?!




  1. First, check your PH balance, Because if your body is acidic your muscles will not heal properly. Then do lots of deep knee bends when excercising.

  2. You should visit an Orthopedic. Could be a multiple array of things from slight MCL, ACL tear...Could be ITB friction syndrome caused by tightness in your hip muscle (which actually causes pain in your knee)

    If your hyper-extended it can cause pain only during certain situations.

    Arthritis, knee on knee...Only an orthopedic can diagnos you and give you the proper treatment and cure.

    Take some anti inflammatories in the mean time and do light weight bearing and less time off of your feet to give your knee a break in the meantime untill you get it checked out.

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