
Knee injury recovery time?

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HI, I'm hoping to get answers from people who are or have been in a similar situation to me.

A little over three weeks ago I had a trip / fall at work. I landed with all my wieght (14 stone) on my left knee - the inner leg side.

I have had three visits to hospital where I was initially told I may have torn a ligament in the knee - and this is the same I was told on other visits.

I got crutches to use and used them for first two weeks. I got a knee brace and at my last visit a week ago, my consultant said I need an MRI to see if there is any 'worse' damage - which I will get in about three weeks time.

I now have a crutch type walking stick that I use if I need to walk anywhere. I also have use of a mobility cart for longer trips.

Although the knee looks a lot better on outside, swelling almost fully gone and bruising barely noticeable, I am still having difficulties.

The touble is that walking is uncomfortable - so I only go out if I have to, sitting for a long time can be uncomfortable also, this includes using the cart i mentioned.

Athough I am not in constant pain now (just discomfort), I get 'twinges' from time to time and, when walking, the knee still occasionally gives.

I have got quite a bit of info online, I would like to hear from anyone else who has had a similar injury. Mainly, I would like to get some idea of recovery time - especially seeing as my job requires me to be able to go up / down ladders all day and carry heavy wieghts!

Thanks for reading, answers appreciated.




  1. it depends on how bad the tear i know what it feels like i hav just had a knee op and 4 weeks after it as i was due to come off of crutches i tore a ligament and i am still on them i have been on crutches for a total of 2 months and possibly longer. the recovery time for ligaments is quite a while because they have limited blood supply so they dont heal as fast a muscles but heal faster than tendons. Depending on the grade of the tear depends on how long grade 1 tears means a couple of weeks grade 2 6-8 weeks and grade3 &4 means a few months just take it easy and i hope u get better soonn!!! dont worry this happens to me alot so dont feel alone about it!

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