
Knee joint pain when running!?

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I haven't ran in about a week, and today I attempted a run but almost right from the beginning I got pain around my knee area, I had to stop and walk back. . . I stretched a little before hand and im only 15, so any advice??? I never had this pain before.




  1. dont do any stretches until you have had a good warm up you can cause injuries if you stretch a cold body

  2. that happened to me too :/

    i stretched more and got running shoes, and now my pains are gone. a good pair of running shoes will probably help you out, and just don't stop running for a long period of time, and definitely stretch..

    i hope that helps :)

  3. Many runners, especially runners not accustomed to running longer distances can experience "runners knee."  It is very common and there are a lot of stretching and strength training exercises to help combat it.  Just Google and you'll find lots of information.  Regardless if it's runners knee or not, you need to have a good pair of shoes.  Go to a specialized running store where they will watch how you walk/run and fit a shoe to the way your foot lands and lifts off the ground.  You also want to ice the area that is sore.  20 minutes on 20 minutes off is a good way to go.  Also if you plan on making running a long time habit, start taking glucosamine which strengthens your joints.  If you think you do have runners knee, you should be able to run through the pain without damaging the knee and the pain should go away in a week or two if you follow the exercises prescribed.

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