
Knee pain when running?

by  |  earlier

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this started on saturday about 3 miles into a 7 mile run my left knee started hurting on the right side whenever i put run on it..not when i walk or touch it. ive been icing it all weekend and yesterday it hurt but not as badly. so today we have a time trial that is supposed to be brutal..what do i do? im still icing it..20 on, 20 off. dunno if it helps or not, but our first meet is next week and id like to run without injury.




  1. Try a knee brace probably going to have to stay off it, if it gets unbearable will need to see a doctor.  

  2. you probably have an IT Band problem or you have ITBS( iliotibial band syndrome). I would just stay off of it for like a week and continue icing it. I would also look up some stretches for your it band(especially one's that strengthen it). And if that doesn't help then I would go see a doctor or a physical therapist. I have had similar issues and going to physical therapy worked well for me. Good Luck....hope you knee gets better. Hope you have a good xc season to. Oh you might try a knee brace helped me a little bit.

  3. I have had this before, I think. It was my IT band that goes from your hip down the side of your leg, I just rested it and iced it and was back on the road running in a few days, it still hurt but went away after a week. Take some tylenol or Motrin to mask the pain.

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