
Knee pain without any obvious trauma

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i was woken in the night with my knee in severe pain, you know the type that takes your breath away. It hurts if i try to bend it. This morning, same problem, though i can walk on it. Any thoughts?




  1. Knee pain can often be referred pain from your hips and back.

    The best thing to do would be to go and see an orthopedic doctor, especially if the problem persists :]

  2. it all depends on where it hurts.

    if it hurts directly behind the knee cap it is most likely arthritis.  if it hurts horizontally it could be a meniscus tear,  if it hurts behind the knee (on the back of the leg) with minor swelling it is most likely a bakers cyst.  I have become a master of knee pain.  

    My knee grinds when i move it, and it hurts all around the knee cap.  i can walk on it fine... But standing is like a Mid-evil torture method.  That is because i have a bakers cyst, and arthritis.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.  one day i was fine, the next day i am d**n near disabled.

    Get your butt over to an orthopedist YESTERDAY.  there is a lot they can do as long as the damage is not severe.  the longer you wait the less they can do to help you get back to normal without surgery.

    PLEASE don't end up like me and just try to suck it up and deal with it.  my knees are totaled for the rest of my life.  You still have time.

    Good luck, and Gods speed.

  3. You should visit a doctor, a traumatologist will be the best for you. He/she will order x rays, a magnetic resonance if it is neccesary and some blood tests to find what is wrong with your knee. Meanwhile you could rest. put some hot towels on your need and take a noninflamatory drug like ibuprofen or diclofenac. But my advice is to visit de doctor ASAP

  4. maybe you slept on it? try elevating it when you sleep

  5. you could have water on the knee. Are you a runner? If so thats probably what it is. heat for 10 ice for 10. Hope that helps :)

  6. This could be several things. I have a hunch that it may be a charlie hoarse. If that is thee case increase your potassium intake (eat bananas). I would strongly recommend seeing your PCP.

  7. Try either Elevating it or if you have a small buldge under your kneecap you may have Osmon Slotter (May have mispelled that)

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