
Knee pains and running?

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I have been experiencing knee pains while running lately.....i never had this before....i have no clue what it is.

Could it be i need new running shoes?

Could it be i need to drink more milk?

Could it be that i need a break and stop running for a while?




  1. oh i get knee pains too....yah i would say its calcium and you should do stretches where it uses the knee before and after you run

  2. Some runners experience knee pains because a lack of hydration.  Before every work-out, you should drink plenty of water.  The lack of water causes cramping and pains.  

    In addition, running on CONCRETE is a terrible surface to run on.  The surface puts too much stress on your knees.  Concrete is a hard surface that also puts tension on an athletes ankle, back, knees, and muscles.

    Milk is great for periodically consumption. Such as after meals, or for cereal.

    To further more decrease pains and cramps, eat pineapples and bananas after work-outs.

    Thank you! Hopefully I helped.

  3. Yeah, I've been having the same problem for a while so Im not sure. But I guess more milk would help and make sure you have stretched out.

  4. Running on asphalt and concrete and cause this pain, when possible try running on grass, but be careful or you could hurt an ankle.

    Also if you stay on the asphalt try to make sure you heal hits first and your foot rolls forward to the ball of your foot this lightens the impact.

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