
Knee popping normal?

by  |  earlier

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My knee has been popping since I could remember (I'm only 20) ... I was never really physically active even though I played some sports in high school ... I've never paid attention until lately about the frequency of both of them popping every time I bend my knees ... they ache during cold temperatures ... should visit my doctor?




  1. you could have arthritis

  2. Yes you should see your doctor and at your age it is not normal.

    Get checked for a catilage degeneration so you can reverse it at such a young age.

  3. Mine do the same thing. I was heavy into sports in highschool. My doctor told me that its cartilage wearing down, and that sometimes when that happens you can get loose bodies (pieces of cartilage) floating around. You should probably get it checked out though just incase because if it is loose bodies sometimes they will scope them out, if it is causing problems. Easy procedure though. Hope this helps :)
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