
Kneeboarding tricks we got the 360's riding backwards and jumping the wake any help?

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just need some tricks thats all




  1. You can jump the wake an try to grab the tale of the bored.

  2. a barrell roll off the wake

  3. HEAD BACK – (30pts.) With the board in contact with the water, the kneeboarder leans backwards, over the tail of the board, so that his head is touching the water before returning to the kneeboard position.

    NO HANDER - (40pts.) While in the regular kneeboard position, the kneeboarder places the handle in between his knees or legs, releases the handle with both hands and extends his arms outward and to the side parallel to the water before regaining control of the handle.

    WAKE JUMP ONE -(50pts.) Kneeboarder must attain lift off the wake. While in mid-air, place one hand clearly on the back of his head. Kneeboarder must land the jump in control with one or two hands on the handle.

    REVERSE WAKE JUMP ONE - (50pts.)Same as above but wake jump must come from the opposite direction has the original.

    WAKE METHOD GRAB - (50pts.) Kneeboader must attain lift off the wake. While in mid-air, place one hand clearly on the front part of the board and to the side near the knee area. Kneeboarder must land the jump in control with one or two hands on the handle.

    WAKE NOSE GRAB - (60pts.) Kneeboarder must attain lift off the wake. While in mid-air, place one hand clearly on the nose (front tip) of the board. Kneeboarder must land the jump in control with one or two hands on the handle.

    WAKE TAIL GRAB - (70pts.) Kneeboarder must attain lift off the wake. While in mid-air, place one hand clearly on the tail (back) of the board. Kneeboarder must land the jump in control with one or two hands on the handle.

    FLOATER - (80pts.) While in regular kneeboard position, the kneeboarder releases the handle with both hands, places both hands simultaneously behind his head before regaining control of the handle.

    HANDLE FLIP - (100pts.)While in regular kneeboard position, the kneeboarder releases the handle with one hand with a spinning motion. Please note the handle must spin at least one full revolution before being caught.

    TICK TOCK - (100pts.) Kneeboarder must attain lift off the wake. While in mid-air, the board must rotate 90 degrees to one side, followed by a 90 degree turn, in the opposite direction, back to the front position. Kneeboarder must complete both rotations before landing.

    REVERSE TICK TOCK - (100pts.)Same as above but the 90 degree rotation must rotate in the opposite direction as the original.

    TICK TOCK BACK - (200pts.)Kneeboarder must attain lift off the wake. While in mid-air, the board must rotate 90 degrees to one side, followed by a 270 degree turn, in the opposite direction, back to the front position and continuing on to the back position. Kneeboarder must complete both rotations before landing.

    REVERSE TICK TOCK BACK - (200pts.)Same as above but the 90 degree rotation and the 270 degree rotation must rotate in the opposite direction as the original.

    SWITCH THREE - (200pts.) Kneeboarder must attain lift off the wake in a backward

    kneeboarding position. While in mid-air, the board must rotate 180 degrees to the front position, followed by a 180 degree turn, in the opposite direction, to the original back position. Kneeboarder must complete both rotations before landing backwards.

    REVERSE SWITCH THREE - (200pts.) Same as above but the first and second 180 degree rotations must rotate in the opposite direction as the original.

    WAKE FLOATER - (200pts.) Kneeboarder must attain lift off the wake. While in mid-air, the kneeboarder releases the handle with both hands, places both hands simultaneously behind his head before regaining control of the handle.

    WAKE HANDLE FLIP - (220pts.) Kneeboarder must attain lift off the wake. While in mid-air, the kneeboarder releases the handle with one hand with a spinning motion while simultaneously placing his other hand clearly on the back of his head before catching the handle with one or two hands. Please note the handle must spin at least one full revolution before being caught.

    BODY SLIDE - (300pts.) Kneeboarder must be on the outside of either wake, lean to one side so that his body is on the water taking the support of the board on the water and placing it on the body, leaving the board clearly and completely out of the water before returning to the regular kneeboard position.

    REVERSE BODY SLIDE -(300pts.) Same as above but the trick must take place on the opposite side of the wake than the original.

    TICK FIVE - (420pts.) Kneeboarder must attain lift off the wake. While in mid-air, the board must rotate 90 degrees to one side, followed by a 450 degree turn, in the opposite direction, to the front position and continuing on with a full spin to the front position. Kneeboarder must complete both rotations before landing.

    REVERSE TICK FIVE - (420pts.) Same as above but the 90 degree rotation and the 450 degree rotation must rotate in the opposite direction as the original.

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