
Knife Crimes. murders, assaults? Are we now paying for the weak liberal Governments of the past 40 years?

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These governments did away with 'approved schools' 'borstals' corporal and capital punishment. They free terrorists, cannot keep people in crowded prisons because they are 'full'. They let kids choose what they wanted to do in schools. Frowned on married life supported chavs in benefits. Is it now too late to retrieve the lost ground The Governments very cleverly twist things to blame society when they created the atmosphere for crime to flourish. Do you agree?




  1. You have a very timely question which is on all our minds.! Human rights were designed for normal people, not weapon wielding lunatics.!

    Here's my solution. Treat all wild animals the same, whether they be four or two legged. This used to be a Country where we could walk our streets safely, Be it shopping, the park or whatever, now we are all afraid, yes FEAR for our lives and that of our loved ones to venture even outside our homes. Of course the blame lies squarely with the authorities, that's why we elect their useless asses in the first place. A government is supposed to govern,! not sit idly by and watch society decline into anarchistic self destruction instigated and perpertrated by a few selfish, violent gangs, thugs and foreign infiltrators,etc. It should be obvious by now, with fifty stabbing deaths this year alone and 2008 ain't over yet, that we have a do nothing government, A stupid woman home office minister who spends nearly a million a year on her own armed police protection and who ultimately controls the policies of every police force in the uk.! If we transformed into an American style system, police chiefs would be elected and if they didn't improve things in their terms, subsequently replaced by others who would.! What should be done is to segregate the worst violent offenders from society, literally banish them together with the ringleaders if they are gang related and institute them with mandatory, indefinite sentences,! that means they would have no stated release date. They would have to appear annually before an experienced, specially trained, violent offenders parole board and convince them that they no longer presented a danger to the rest of us.! While incarcerated, they should have no special treatment or priviledges whatsoever, no tv, computers or any other nicetetees that defeats the purpose of deterrence and makes their time go by faster and easier.! The guards should be specially selected to regard these inmates as dangerous, violent murderers, because that's exactly what they are and should treat them accordingly, not with compassion which they didn't show to their victims.! We should elect more independent mp's that absolutely pledge to vote for REAL TOUGHER laws in respect of ANY violent crime.!  This is an Island, much easier to control than other parts of Europe where violaters can simply whiz over borders to escape justice.! We need MANY more police on the streets and in patrol units and definately

    specially trained ANTI-GANG and organized crime squads. We need to FULLY ARM and train these officers and give the a FREE hand to deal with those VIOLENT LUNATICS among us who would harm us and our loved ones thereby ruining our dreams and futures and causing irrepairable, perpetual misery for whole families and communities.! These despicable parasites are nothing more than useless elements of humanity, if we can depict the as human and the need to be seperated permanently from the populace.! We should show them NO mercy or understanding whatsoever and we should definately stop blaming it on parents, upbringing, environment, poverty,etc. that is ALL a load of rubish ! designed to offer explanatory reasoning for these terrible violent crimes ! I  like,most uk citizens grew up in a poor family during the ww2 blitzes, but we didn't go out and try to kill or maim each other.! the rest of us do not go out and plunge steel blades into other peoples bodies,

    fully aware of what the outcome will be, death or serious injury.! Those who commit these horendous acts should be considered urban terrorists and treated in the same fashion as foreign ones.! Arm all police and permit us all to carry concealed weapons so at least we have a chance to defend ourselves against these psychotic, cowardly a******s.!

  2. it will take years even decades to sort all this problems out

  3. Yes it was goverment policies that created the current scenario, they have undermined society and seem incapable of reversing the damage. Its almost a joke.

  4. Indeed we are.  Most parents also need to be to take courses on parenting skills as well.  I shall be disapproved of for saying most parents but it is what I meant to say.  Children these days are over indulged materially and given in to far too much.  Others suffer physical and mental abuse.  Neither are good for the child.

  5. Yes I agree, and also include the Human Rights Act

  6. Decode this lyrics " Nineteen Seventy-Three"

    Trace back.

    What changes had been made in the education system.

    Then bring it all back in place.

    Only science and mathematics advance and change with time.

    The rest of the subject does not change with time but stay in time in the advancement of living human kind.

    The basic foundation - The DOS- disk operating system that was lost with time.

    The advancement of science and mathematics is only the advancement of skill and technology.

    Is not the advancement of living human kind.

    The misery was expose by the miystery of us -911.

    With the young one all living in misery with the missing link in the generation.

    How integration  of the young one among different tribes of different community became a failures over the loss of the -DOS,

    After being substitute with cheap-skate ghostly stories from someone else graveyards in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 11.33-36,46-52

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    John 7.19

    John 8.44

    Matt 23.27

    Matt 22.32

    What do you think?

  7. h**l YES!!!

    i agree this government has made things far to easy for young kids to have babies as they get a place, live on benefits, not made to go school or work for it so they have nothing to aim for in life, so they just keep havin kids & drag them up to think thats the normal way of life. i feel sorry for some of the kids in gangs getting bad names they are asking for a way out but does anyone listen no!! instead they leave them to get on with it it's been going on for years but it was not spoke about the problem is not knives or guns someone needs to see the real story and its Drugs & kids thinking thats the only way to earn respect & money!!

    Government make it easy for the criminals laws protect them not the victims!  

    Police, Teachers etc cant do their jobs in case they get sued by anyone out to make a quick buck,

    & yes they support chavs in benefit but... we are not all chavs! i lost every thing because of the government making life easy for those who knew how to work the system.

      Yes i blame this government because they dont give a flyin Fu@k about anyone, but themselves, they dont have a clue about the real world. until they listen to the public,  its going to get worse, i worry about my boys future if i could i'd leave this country today.

  8. I'm with gotcha on this one, regardless of whatever's going on in the world outside, it's in the home that values and discipline should be taught.

    Parents need to wake up and get enough backbone to protect, love and guide their kids consistently and with true commitment regardless of how it fits in with their own pre-designed,selfish life plan.

  9. Agree 100%.

    The wobbly, weak-kneed PC, bleeding heart, breast-beating bunch allegedly governing our once United Kingdom have let us down disgracefully. Especially since 1997.

    Both Bliar and Clown Brown should of course be arrested for treason - gross incompetence and betrayal of those they claimed to best represent.  The idiot Home Secretary now claims that instead of a serious crackdown on knife-carriers -(ie a minimum 3 years in a less than pleasant prison)- it will be more effective to 'shock' those found guilty by confronting them with victims.

    Same old liberal hogwash - with same likelihood as being as ineffectual as ASBOs - seen by those bent on crime as a 'badge of honour' - a way of gaining street cred and carrying on as before - cocking a snook to feeble attempts at maintaining law & order, protection of UK citizens.

    Harsh penalties of yesteryear certainly required revision - but the PC brigade seem to have swung the pendulum too far the other way- more in favour of the criminal than the victim. They seem to have lost the plot - missing the deterrence aspect of crime & punishment - instilling the basic idea in the minds of local hood 'heroes' that if caught carrying a weapon they'll go down for an unpleasant custodial sentence.

    Trying to shock them with those lucky enough to survive vicious attacks is more likely to give them more reason to brag to their gang-mates - just as trying to persuade students to choose their preferred attempts to study has had such bad effects on educational standards in general.

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