
Knife crime-Doesn't the LACK of jobs have something to do with it?

by Guest64642  |  earlier

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Recently it was reported that there were about 15,000 more people unemployed!!! Obviously without a job, you've got nothing to do and lack of money to support yourself and even education (if in Uni or college).

The same with young people. The other day I was told that young people who just left for summer Hols' early, found it hard to find a job!

I know that the increase and the demand for more Tech - [computers etc] has left people out of jobs. Employers want more money for themselves, more people on contracts than 'full-time' jobs too.

Q = Apart from needing more jobs, what else do you think UK needs to tackle / reduce knife crime?




  1. The government let in migrants and raise interest rates on perpose, in order to create more trouble. Trouble is the biggest buisness in the world. As soon as housing becomes affordable to the masses they let in the immergrants and force up the interest rates. This inflicts hardship and trouble amongst the masses.

  2. RE:Lowjoy

    well thats obvious but its happening. there IS  a lack of jobs.  Youths need something to do. Someone commented saying its only under 16's = lie!

  3. it can't be tackled.

    after most of the people who carry knifes lose some one to a knife then it will stop but until then i don't see how anyone can make to much difference

  4. 1.Yea Employers want to make more profit than anything else these days.

    There has just been another incident in Hackney today and the lack of jobs has something to do with it but not all of it.

    2.Parents need to be stricter-Some parents have treated their kids as their ' freind' no wonder thatier own kids dont wanna listen to them!!!

  5. Stop letting immigrants in who have a gang culture can you see them applying for a job if one is available?

  6. No. When I was unemployed, I never went around stabbing people.

    It's more like a total lack of discipline at home combined with a media induced complete lack of respect for the person and property of others in the Western culture. None of them are out stabbing muslims or indians I notice. That would be racist.

  7. I honestly don´t believe that the rise in violent crime among young people is related to either unemployment or poverty.

    How many of these perpetrators dress in designer clothes , own up to date mp3´s mobile phones, expensive games consoles , computer equipment etc.

    I think it´s fair to say that the youth of today have more consumer "goods" and disposable incom ethan their parents did.

    I think that the motivating factors are different. For some reason many young people do not feel like part of this society and prefer to form their own gangs and sub cultures. Why have they no hope for the future?

    Something has gone wrong, but the reasons are complex and socially based rather than just economic.

  8. Jobs or no Jobs is not an excuse to go around killing people. We have all encountered some form of being out of work, during our lifetime, but we never spent that time in going around killing people.. This sort of person is not interested in finding work, but spend their time ... hanging out as they like to call it, and then during that time cannot resist doing harm to others.none of them have any values, and are free to go around seeing what damage they can do to others. A longer sentence in Prison is warranted, and while in there should be taught on how to live in our society.

  9. How can it be. Most perpetrators of Knife Crime are under 16.

    No it is a lack of discipline and morals in the home.

    Edit. s**y Paul. I likes ya finking.

  10. Parenthood.  This would be the ultimate answer to all of life's problems.  There is some terrible parenting taking place in Britain today.  I hear little children shouted at and ridiculed in the street nearly every day where I live.  They are not shown any patience or consideration.  Mothers (mostly very young) are wondering around with one or two children in tow, whilst talking on a mobile phone, with a cigarette in the other hand, totally ignoring these precious little beings.  They will become what they learn is the norm.  I see little tots with pierced ears and inappropriate clothing, obviously just a doll in the eyes of their underage parents.  A child who is brought up with love and discipline will always turn out to be a valuable member of society but we are in decline, I fear.

  11. There was a lack of jobs in the 1930's but we did not have this level of crime. We had Hanging, that put them off a bit. BRING BACK HANGING!!!!!!

  12. reduce immigration

  13. It has nothing to do with the unemployment figures. Britain has much higher employment than the 1980's, but there is more knife crime.

    If you carry a knife then there should be a mandatory prison sentence. I doubt that will stop it because people who carry knives and use them, they enjoy the power the knife gives them.

  14. Immigrants has fcuked this country up big time and we have the blairs to thank for that sherie blair the stupid cow and her human rights

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