
Knife crime now they are stabbing babies - what can be done?

by  |  earlier

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it just gets worse




  1. its not true

  2. things ;like this make me f***ing sick, the laws should change dramatically, its happening all to frequently, judges need to come down harder on idiots who do these sort of crimes.

  3. Push to legalize firearms in the UK.  Knives are worthless in a gunfight.

  4. Don't worry, Gordon Browns got it under control...... they've just stopped and fined a painter/decorator for smoking in his own van.

    I'm glad they'd rather deal with 'real' criminals.

    Vote them out!

  5. I cant open the link ,,,,,, i have lost my proof gloves

  6. i wont open the link as I refuse to have anything to do with that toilet paper.

    However if a young child has been stabbed then it is at a loss as to what can be done, i know the police and government are too scared of upsetting criminals these days

  7. A random stop and search policy should slow it down.Offenders to be severley dealt with.We have little twit Council men following us waiting for us to throw a cig butt on the street or down a grate instant fine of £50.But they never come out at nighttime.

  8. stabbing babies?

    "then defenceless Toni-Lea suffered a two-inch cut to her right upper arm."

    where does it say in that sentence that the baby was stabbed?

    im not defending the attack in any way, but nowhere does it say that the baby was stabbed

    trashy tabloid journalism leads to people going round saying babies are being stabbed leads to totally over the top fear

    the sun is a joke

  9. Arm yourself. Even if it is just pepper spray or a collapsable baton, you have a fighting chance and a way to discourage future criminal acts.

    Remember, when seconds count the police are minutes away.

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