
Knife defense question?-for people who are expert or knows a lot.?

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How do you protect yourself if a knife attacker, attacks you with two knives, one in each hand? Unlike the most common scene were the attacker only has one knife in one hand.




  1. Firstly Run away if you can

    Second..if possible wrap clothing etc around your arm if possible.

    Thirdly keep your distance if possible contain the attacks and either run or  defeat them, there are too many variables to consider the best is be aware and not be there ,simple but true.

    Best wishes :)***

  2. Understand that the guy with two knives in his hands is likely focusing 90% of his attention on those two knives. The back of your forearm is your best protection (the front or underside may result in tendon damage or profuse bleeding) at chest height. Put distance between you and your attacker. Do not attempt to run until you've got at least three or four arm lengths between you. Shout to draw attention to the guy ("I don't want to fight you! Back off!" or the like). After that, it's all on you.

    When someone attacks with two knives, they're really attacking with one at a time. One cuts then the other. When both cut, it's still one attack. Accept that you're probably going to get cut and probably die, and you'll be more ready to do something stupid to defend yourself. Notice how he's cutting. Charging in on the backswing is typically preferable, but this isn't gospel. Either way, your first goal is to get away. If, in the meantime, you have to fight, ground one weapon (grabbing the arm and pulling it to your body so he can't cut you is good as any), then worry about the second slashing weapon. Only after you've disabled both sorts of attacks (I suggest disarming the second knife while grounding the first, then disarming the first), then flee. No point in sticking around. Cops may not be there for hours, if at all. What are you going to do? Hold him? What about his buddies?

    Rule of thumb: Above all else, flee. If it's one weapon, make it no weapons. If it's two, weapons, make it one weapon. Etc.

  3. If you aren't very highly trained and like the devil was after you!!!!

    That's not a place you want to be unless you have got a lot of experience and skill. It takes very precisely timed explosive counters to disarm someone with 1 knife never mind 2. We have done knife defense with the felt edge mock knives that mark you up if it touches you at all and very seldom did any of us get away clean. Now in our situation it was all skilled people most of whom had benn taught a fair bit about fighting with a knife, but still it's a bad deal.

    Best bet is to try to control the distance until they commit to a full attack, side step or roll out to one side as they come in and control the arm on the side you move off to. Then while controlling that arm disarm it and set yourself up to either drop them (stomping the knee, punching the side of the neck for flash knock out or whatever) or to take control of the other arm particularly if you trap it with the arm you are already controling. That is extremely hard to do though and takes lots of skill and perfect timing.

  4. dont beleive the krav magra horsepoop thats been thrown on u,

    instead grab something like a baseball bat , a chair

    and crack open your opponents skull.

  5. Get away, if you're cornered look for a chair, new stand, trash can, fire extinguisher, or anything you can throw or bash them with.  Move backwards fast kicking to keep them at bay.  If they penetrate your bubble, try to cross their arms.  If you grab both forearms, his hands are full, so you have temporary control to swing them out of the way with his arms crossed.

    To get ahold of both forearms, you have to perry and block his forward arm and grab the back arm first.  If you grab the forward arm first, unless you are three times as strong, you'll never get ahold of that back arm.  

    If you happen to seize both arms, but you can't cross them a quick headbutt or stompkick might create enough space for you to run away.

    As mentioned above, there are a multitude of indefinite scenarios that could play out.  Spar with toy knives or large wooden cooking spoons if you want to get your range and timing down.

  6. I suggest you look up krav maga, an Israeli self defense, best in the world, theres some videos on youtube, heres on example

    demo session  

  7. 1) Run

    2) Throw something at him.  A handful of dirt, a rock, your wallet, anything.  Then run.

    3) If you are cornered, grab anything nearly that you can use to keep him at a distance and protect yourself.  Back him off and then run.

    4) If there is nothing to throw or protect yourself with, cover your head and your gut with your arms and run past him as fast as you can.

    I would never try to disarm a person with two knives.  Most knife defenses emphasise using two hands against the weapon.  Pretty much impossible if you're worrying about the second knife.

  8. Take Ninjutsu for a few decades.

  9. if someone came at me with 2 knives either they are extreamly dumb or are actually trained and know how to tuse them. have you ever tried to fight with 2 weapons? its not easy you end up pretty much only useing 1 anyway. if i saw someone came at me with 2 knives i would run stay there and try to defend yourself against a knife find a way to get away. its stupidity to stay and fight against knives because they have a massive advantage. if you really cant get away try just kicking their legs  so you keep a bit of distance dont run in and start throwing punches or u will just get stabed. and i wouldnt sugest running and and trying to throw them unless you are really quick and even then not a good ides to get to close when they ahve 2 knives.

  10. krav is good but not infallible .A well known krav instructor got stabbed to death last year.

    1 knife run 2 knives run faster.I have never seen a knife defense that works against a determined to kill you knifer.

  11. I would suggest that you run to the nearest barrier that's going to give you some major distance and time from your attacker.  According to the U.S. Secret Service just a fraction of a second can mean the difference between life and death in such a senario.  Any one who ever tells you that you're not going to get cut by a knife in a "knife fight" is a liar looking to make a profit from the c**p that they're teaching.  Being cut though doesn't mean death is a for sure thing.  You can be cut and still put plenty of distance between you and any attacker.  The key point is to get the h**l away from someone like that with a quickness.  Even experts in this field like Sammy Franco ( ) won't shoot you any sh*t about such a senario on the streets.  If you could find a make shift weapon from your own surroundings then you may be in some pretty good shape if such a make shift weapon majorly extended your reach that is, but even at that I wouldn't suggest sticking around against a knife attack of any sort.  "Fight or flight" .... it's your choice and it's also the difference between life and death 100% of the time.

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