
Knighthood...are there still modern day knights?

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If so how do they get knighted?

Can you name some?




  1. Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Micheal Philip Jagger just to name a couple.

  2. Knight is the English term for a social position originating in the Middle Ages. In the Commonwealth of Nations, knighthood is a non-heritable form of gentility, but is not nobility. In the High and Late Middle Ages, the principal duty of a knight was to fight as, and lead, heavy cavalry (see serjeanty); more recently, in the United Kingdom, knighthood has become a symbolic title of honour given to a more diverse class of people, from mountain climber Edmund Hillary to musician Paul McCartney.


  3. There's a new knight every day. So many people get knighthoods for ludicrous reasons (e.g. an actor who has made megabucks from movies get a knighthood for 'services to the arts' or some such daft "reason").

    Abolish all these corrupt titles!

  4. ziggy  is  right  however   most  of them  don't deserve  them

  5. Well, they don't tend to wear armor and carry swords. But people who have provided a great service or done something recognizable in Great Britain are still knighted. Some modern knights include Sir Elton John, Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Richard Branson...

  6. If you have alot of money you can buy a knighthood. Most famous men from UK have some sort of bullshit knighthood.

  7. Yes. They are knighted by the monarch for great achievements.

  8. Sir Robert Geldoff for his achievements in producing Live Aid

    alot of Pop stars Sir Paul Mcartney,Sir Elton John, but what is stupid is they knighted Bono....but he is not an "official" knight because he has to be British and he is an Irishman.

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