
Knighting by the queen of england?

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How could i become knighted by the queen? and if i did, would i get titles?




  1. You would have to become so prominent that you came to the attention of the British government, or to Her Majesty herself.

    If you are American, your knighthood would not allow you to be "Sir ____."  That honor accrues only to Her Majesty's subjects.

    Knighthood is not a peerage; such honors are a separate issue.  "Sir ___" is not a title, it is more accurately referred to as a "style."

  2. You would have to be outstanding in your field but just how large a field it would be, has never been established.  

    I believe you'd be given the right to put Sir before your name.    And, I think that it's not a title that passes to your heirs.

    If you were a woman, I believe you'd be created a Dame.   Right?

  3. Aussie Bloke is right, you have to be a British subject, and I see by your profile that you are not.

    So first switch your citizenship.

    And US citizens are forbidden to accept foreign titles (but not other honors)by something since the Revolutionary War (could it be in the Constitution? I learned it in elementary school).

    And the most frequent way is to do something that benefits the economy of Great Britain, such as being president of a company that exports goods from Britain.  Or else do something in the Arts or Medicine.

  4. Knight is the English term for a social position originating in the Middle Ages. In the British Commonwealth of Nations, knighthood is a non-heritable form of gentility, but is not nobility. Knighthood is designated by the title Sir in England.

    More recently, in the United Kingdom, knighthood has become a symbolic title of honour given to a more diverse class of people, from mountain climber Edmund Hillary to musician Paul McCartney.

    There are technically differing levels of knighthood, but in practice these are even more symbolic than the title itself today and thus only express the greatness of the recipient's achievements in the eyes of the Crown.

  5. You do not have to be British, but you would need the citizenship of a country which remains one of the Queen's dominions. But the number of Americans receiving honorary knighthoods seems to be increasing in recent years. It's no longer just Americans living in Britain, like Paul Getty, but Americans resident in their home country, like Rudy Giuliani, Bill Gates and Steven Spielberg. If you make an outstanding contribution to the world, especially one affecting Britain, you might get an honorary knighthood, but as an American the bar will be set higher than if you were British.

    You could not call yourself 'Sir', but you could use the letters 'Kt' or 'KCB' after your name.

  6. General people are beknighted because of some contribution they make to society or out standing in their field.  You would be called "Sir"  but no other titles goes along with it.

  7. Knighthood IS a title.  And first, you would have to be a subject of the British crown.  Are you?

  8. Their actually is a way contact the scouts of canada they can give you the low down we as guirl guides had a chance at a female title (I forget) but I warn you it's alot of requirements and involves years of dedicated volunteer work all over. I think like 10+ or something

  9. it's invitation only.

    but if you know anyone in the House of Lords, maybe they could put in a good word for you.

    The only title that comes with it is "Sir."

  10. Dont you mean the mongrel?

  11. You have to have proved yourself worthey of doing or accomplishing something for others and made a good name for yourself and yes you would get a title which would be up to what the Queen thinks that is suitable.

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