
Knitting 20 inches?

by  |  earlier

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Hi! My cousin is having a baby and want to knit him a blanket. I want the blanket to be 20inches long and wide. With the needles I am using, I can't mesure how long the stitches are. How many stitches should I cast on. I have already started and can not change needles. But either way have much more to go in casting on and really wish you could help me...




  1. Look at the label on the yarn.  It will tell you how many stitches, on what size needles, make a square.  Multiply the number of stitches they state, by the number of times you need to knit to achieve the 20"

    An example would be 10 stitches on size 7 needles= 5". You want 20", so multiply 10 X 4- 40 stitches, on #7 needles.

  2. well 2 hour past and still no answers to your question....u need to rewrite it and put it in the games and recreation section under hobbies
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