
Knitting for an unborn baby?

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I'm knitting a baby cardigan but the baby is not yet born. The buttonhole band is incorporated in the front panel os the cardigan. I don't know whether to put the buttonholes on the boy's or girl's side.




  1. Either, it doesn't matter these days.  If you are really worried about it knit a jumper instead.

  2. Well... I really don't think that too many people are going to be examining the garment to see if the buttonholes are on the correct side, and most people under 30 don't even know there IS a correct side.  If it were me, I would probably just put them on the side that would be comfortable for Mom to dress the baby.. that would be the Boys' side, since Mom would be facing the baby when dressing him/her.

    Just one clothesmaker's opinion...

  3. No one pays much attention to those rules any more.

    The main reason there is a difference is when you have a "dresser" or chamber maid to do up the buttons for you it is easier for them to do "ladies" style.

    Actually boys style is easier for the person dressing themselves to do.

  4. As one knitter to another, it doesn't matter, and if the design is not specifically for a girl or boy, consider that the sweater may be passed to another baby of the other gender later.

    Knit on!

  5. If you're worried about it enough to ask, why not put buttonholes in both bands, I always do.  Then when the sweater is handed down all that needs to be done is to change the buttons to the other side.  The buttons are sewn over the holes in one bands to close them.  BTW, there are a number of patterns out there that recommend this for all children's sweaters except for those specifically and obviously for boys or girls.

    BTW, when sewing buttons on sweaters, whether the buttons are shank or flat, use a shirt button (I save the ones off my hubby's old shirts) on the inside and sew the buttons on with matching color embroidery floss, through both the outer button and the inner button.  This way the buttons don't pull on the knitting and stretch it out of shape.

  6. It doesnt matter. Most people (who don't knit) don't even know that there is a difference. I suppose just put them on the boys side. Don't worry about it/

  7. My gran was a professional knitter for a major pattern company, and she used to put buttonholes in both bands, then the second she knew the baby was a boy/girl, she sewed buttons over the holes on which ever side was appropriate! Clever, eh?

  8. good idea about the double buttons never thought of that . i would have knit two baby cardigans  blue and pink ,  happy knitting,

  9. hi  it dont matter now days  

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